Think i'm going mad...?


Well-Known Member
Mar 15, 2005
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As some of you will remember i had a nasty car accident before christmas and alot of other things went wrong including the hand brake failing on my hubbys work van and also the same van going up in flames whilst parked.

Well all was fine and i thought i had got over it, i've never been a particularly postivity person, and can always see things going wrong, but the past few weeks i seem to go in to 'day dreams' for example:
we are on holiday visiting my in laws in scotland, an we went to the fish and chip shop which i by the harbour and i had visions of the car falling in to the water and ewan being stuck and we are all panicking stood there.
Walking down the stairs i can see my self falling down the stairs and knocking myself out.
We drove to a friends last night and i could imagine the car rolling over as we went roud a corner.
Its hard to explain but its like i start day dreaming about scenarios - i can see things happening... feeling like i'm ,osing the plot!

Should i be worried or see the doctor??

worried they'lltake ewan asway

could it be my head sorting things or post stress something???
I think the worrying is a very normal part of being a mom.
I had this convo with a friend just after I had don't just worry that something could happen to them... you worry about specific things.

My worst time is when I'm lying in bed at night, I can't help but worry about Mason getting hit by a car and things like that.
We had a car accident when Mason was 2 weeks old. After that it makes you think how easily accidents happen.
Everytime we drive on a long journey I worry we will have a blow-out on the motorway or something.

It's a mother's curse I'm afraid, and it never goes away. You just have to remind yourself the odds of these things happening are very small.
When I'm in bed I have to tell myself to switch to the lottery-winning daydream instead, it's much nicer!
If you're going mad, I'm going mad too!!

I have to look away if the kids are walking downstairs, or if Stuart is carrying Alex - I get a horrible feeling right in the pit of my stomach. Same if Stuart is pushing the pram across the road, or the kids are on their bikes. In a split second I manage to visualise every possible thing that could happen :(

At the end of the day, I try to visualise them all over again, but make sure they all have a happy ending - if I don't go through that, I end up having nightmares. Callum is a bit accident prone with his dyspraxia and I know the reality of accidents is never as bad as our heads make us believe, but those split second thoughts are still horrible.
I think worrying is all part of being a mum. In the Gina Ford book I happend to come across a sentance that said something like this:

Cot death rates peak between 2-4 months.

So I am soooo bloody worried something is going to happen to Heidi (especially as I have put her in her own room in the cot) and its too late really to change that - and it wouldnt do her any good I dont think.

But its all I think about at the minute :cry:
Hey Selena,

What your feeling is totally normal. I was in a severe car accident in 2002 and although im a lot better now I have suffered from a similar thing to you having 'visions' of bad things etc. When I go on journeys I get nervous if I see cars coming too fast, see big vehicles etc anything can set me on edge and I find my mind trailing off thinking what could happen if...???? Its called Hypervigilance and it means that once you have experienced something bad that was very scary you are prone to tuning in to those bad things that could happen..if that makes sense? I also suffered from panic attacks after my accident, I still have them occasionaly but not as much. As for you thinking about things happening to Ewan that is prob just mothers instinct; something awful happened to you and you dont want to let your child experience it and therefore you will protect him, but things will run through your mind as it was a terrible experience.

Dont feel like your on your own, it is probably a mild form of PTS. If you feel you can cope with it then try to do so but if you do have probs go and see your GP. Camomile tea can help with anxious thoughts I have found and also doing relaxation exercises once or twice a day.

I hope this has helped a little. :)
I must be going mad too lol. When i brought Abi home from hospital i kept imagining dropping her and it worried me sick i kept visalising it all the time and we've got tiled floor downstairs :shock: now if i'm out walking with the baby i keep thinking what i'd do if someone attacked me when i got Abi with me and what i'd do, i did my Police training as i was a special constable before coming to oz so i know how to restrain people and i keep thinking right if someone does this i need to hold them down like this and then need to call the police to help me lol thought i was going mad feel soooo much better now knowing mosyt of us are mad lol only kidding :)
I imagine horrible things all the time i thought it was me being sick so im really glad youve posted this. at one stage i thought because i was thinking it was me being a bad mother thinking bad things and my thoughts would be really deep and real.
glad this came up too! Im the same, I worry about her going onto solids incase she chokes! Today my friend had her and I had a vision of her dropping her and just thought OMG what would I do if that happened.

When she is sleeping she looks sooo peacful and I watch her for ages to see that she is breathing, I watch for her chest going up and down! does anyone else do this?

I guess it is a part of being a mum and we will worry for the rest of our lives even when they are adults!
Lauz_1601 said:
I guess it is a part of being a mum and we will worry for the rest of our lives even when they are adults!

Mason is 4 and everyday I worry about him.

I even worry about when he's my OH was talking about how he used to ride motorbikes when he was 14...I had visions of Mason on a bike when he's older getting in an accident!

When I was 22 I got onto a plane on my own and went travelling around the world. Now I have kids of my own I have no idea how my mom coped, I'd be a nervous wreck.

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