3 Colds in 3 Months.


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2005
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Am I doing something wrong?
Or is this normal?

Phoebe is only 15weeks old and has another cold. Woke up at 4am all snotty and coughing. She wasn't too bad during the day but got herself in a state at bedtime and is once again all bunged up. Asleep now though.

Is it normal for them to have lots of colds? She always has clothes on when we are at home and my heating is on a constant temp and we leave it on all night. Window in the bedroom where we all sleep is open a couple of hours a day to let fresh air in.
When we go out in the buggy she has a fleece and blanket but when we go in the car I quite often just take her to the car wrapped in a blanket and then just lay it over her. (she normally wears a long sleeved top) and then I have the car heater on. It's the only way she will sit in her car seat for a few mins without screaming.

Am I not doing enough to keep her warm or are colds just part and parcel of having a winter baby?
I wouldn't worry too much about causing Phoebe to have a cold through not being warm enough as colds are viruses. There are always loads going round at this time of year so I guess that Phoebe will pick them up, I have had loads and so has Seren. Also I think that their immunity they have got from you starts to go and they build up their own immune system but not sure at what age that is, perhaps this is what is happening to Phoebe. Poor mite, its horrible when they are all snuffly isn't it, hope she gets better soon x
yeah don't worry, it's very normal...plus some people are more prone to colds than others, so babies will be the same.
I have heard that it's normal for babies to get everything going under the sun before 6 months. We feel lucky as Naomi hasn't had a cold at all yet, but I'm only counting the days before she comes down with something!


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