Think I miscarried?

Hey hun,

So sorry about whats happening.

I can't really help with the bleeding bit as i had a missed miscarrage at 10 weeks baby had stopped growing at 7! all i can say is a had NO pain at all or bleeding, but was told this was very uncommon.

I think it can be different for everyone, and it may very well be that miscarrage is not yet complete.

Hope you are ok hun and you get some answered on monday

Sending you a Big hug!

Thanks for that, sorry to hear you had a miscarriage too. I don't know what to do with myself today, in a way my last miscarriage was easier as I knew for sure it was over :-(

Thanks for your support. I will post on mon x x x
So sorry to hear you are going through this hunny, massive :hugs:

I cant really help with the pain and the bleeding bit as i was past 12 weeks when i had my mc and it was very painful and i had alot of bleeding.

Really hope you get some answers soon, can you not go back to the hospital or your gp and explain what has happened? Take care and look after yourself x x

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so sorry to hear you are going through this hon, again my MC was different, had brown spotting for over 2 weeks, then scan which confirmed there was no longer a baby just sac & placenta. Was scheduled for D&C 4 days later but lost a lot of blood and a large clot 2 days before operation. Was only then I started getting pains. When I went in for operation had another scan which confirmed not everything had passed so still had the D&C. It's an awful waiting game but at least when you have your second scan you will know for sure if everything has passed. Big hugs and look after yourself in the meantime honey :hug: x x
I know it sounds like bad news, but at just over 5 weekas into this pregnancy I started bleeding very heavily, it lasted for 48 hours (by heavy I mean heavy bad peiord type heavy). Our baby is fine and this awful bleeding happened over and over all through the first trimester, with various types of staining inbetween. I think it's because my body wasn't really ready for another pregnancy after the last d&c which was followed the same day with my first (and last!) ever injection of depo. So, there might be light at the end of the tunnel - just hang in there until they can scan you again. I wish you much good luck and I hope everything is fine. Both my mc's were missed, no symptoms, so I don't know anything about regular miscarriage. x
I had an early miscarriage at 6+3 weeks back in March and I just starting bleeding heavily with no warning. I was in bed asleep and I don't know why but I just woke up and jumped out of bed and ran to the toilet. I had a wee and I just knew something didn't feel right as it felt like I was bleeding, I wiped and there was lots of blood. It was the heaviest bleeding I had ever had, except for my first period after the delivery of my first child. I just sat on the loo and it just kept coming. I didn't pass any clots until the following afternoon and unbelievably I wasn't really in any pain at all. It was once I passed everything and I think my uterus was contracting back that I had any pain, and even then it wasn't really what I would call painful - just uncomfortable. My tummy just seemed tender for a couple of weeks. I had a natural miscarriage and didn't require a D&C.

I had a scan the morning after the bleeding had started and they didn't see anything on the scan, I hadn't even passed any clots at that point. She did say I could be in very early pregnancy as thats was how things looked but I knew then that it was too late. The biggest clot I passed was about the size of a golf ball and I am sure this was baby, I hope everything is ok sweetheart, the doctors remained positive with me until hcg tests confirmed I was miscarrying.
I am sorry you might be going through this hun - I had a missed Mc at 12 weeks in march and no pain etc, till the early hours of the morning of the D&C and then sat on the loo and bleeding was pouring out okf me for 4 hours and I had been nil by mouth ready for the op since midnight, so I ended up in A&E in a right mess, throwing up and painful contracting every 2 mins for 2 mins long - and all veins collapsed and needed blood tranfusion in the end , so please do keep an eye on any bleeds that cause you to soak a big muma towel in less than 10 seconds, as it's dangerous for you. I only passed small clots, but needed the D&C anyway that morning after all the runny bleed , so I don't think it all came away.

I really hope that this is not it for you, good luck in your scan X
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