think i have a mouth absess


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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will it just go on its own? can i take anything for it medicine wise
i dont have a dentist and the emerg one is always fully booked and i havant got my medical card yet so id have to pay for tablets from doctors (not an option with the move)
im not in too much pain just taking paracetalmols at mo
its in my gum and can feel it do you think i could pirce the skin and pop it or is that dangerous?
never had one before so any help would be great :)
manda xx
Yuk hun - poor you - sounds horrid. I'd have to advise against doing anything with it yourself. You could give yourself blood poisoning or anything which wouldn't do you or the baby any good. I'd try and get in to a dentist or emergency dentist asap and take as few pain killers as you can till then.

Maybe ring your docs and tell them how urgent it is and could they suggest anything? There might be something they can do about your medical card so you can get a free prescription? :hug:
I had something called a pregnancy epulus (spelling? have spelt it how you say it!) whilst carrying my first. It was like a large growth behind my 2 front teeth, it grew that large it hung down behind them. I had to have it cut out at the dentists, he showed me it afterwards and it was like a solid lump about the size of a £1 coin but triangular as it had been behind my teeth, it had veins in it too :puke: . He said it was something to do with hormones.

I wouldn't pop it but maybe ring your doctors and explain the situation and see if they can hurry your card up? Im not sure but I think you should see someone quickly as mine grew really quick and was VERY painful to get it removed.
i will ring them tomorrow and see what they say as they wont have any appt left for today (tiny surgery)
hopefully they can give me something safe to take the pain doesnt bother me just dont want it getting badly infected or anything
thanks again
manda xx
I had a absess under my tooth when I was in my late teens and they are so so painful! I couldn't eat anything but soup. Luckily antibiotics cleared it up and I didn't need the tooth removed.
You have my sympathy :hug: :hug: :hug:

You need to get to the emergency dentist asap cos it will probably need antibiotics to clear it up. There are one's they can give you that are safe in pregnancy
well it seems to be going down and there ain no pain anymore so i think it might just of been an ulser
will see what its like tomorrow
manda xx
I hope it stays away. I was convinced I needed a filling a few months ago cos I had bad toothache for days, then it just stopped on it's own overnight.
Stupid thing teeth, nothing but trouble, and so expensive when they go wrong! :x
lol im having all mine taken out and falsys put in in a few years time much easier
manda xx
aww, absesses suck! I've already had 2 and with one of them, it was a sign of a root canal...don't mean to scare you. Your situation sounds different though if it's getting better - mine only grew and became more painful :( I think you can have work done on your mouth in second tri when the anesthetic can be used? I may be wrong but I'm almost sure my girlfriend had a cavity filled in second tri.
will it just go on its own? can i take anything for it medicine wise
i dont have a dentist and the emerg one is always fully booked and i havant got my medical card yet so id have to pay for tablets from doctors (not an option with the move)
im not in too much pain just taking paracetalmols at mo
its in my gum and can feel it do you think i could pirce the skin and pop it or is that dangerous?
never had one before so any help would be great :)
manda xx
Yuk hun - poor you - sounds horrid. I'd have to advise against doing anything with it yourself. You could give yourself blood poisoning or anything which wouldn't do you or the baby any good. I'd try and get in to a dentist or emergency dentist asap and take as few pain killers as you can till then.

Maybe ring your docs and tell them how urgent it is and could they suggest anything? There might be something they can do about your medical card so you can get a free prescription? :hug:
I had something called a pregnancy epulus (spelling? have spelt it how you say it!) whilst carrying my first. It was like a large growth behind my 2 front teeth, it grew that large it hung down behind them. I had to have it cut out at the dentists, he showed me it afterwards and it was like a solid lump about the size of a £1 coin but triangular as it had been behind my teeth, it had veins in it too :puke: . He said it was something to do with hormones.

I wouldn't pop it but maybe ring your doctors and explain the situation and see if they can hurry your card up? Im not sure but I think you should see someone quickly as mine grew really quick and was VERY painful to get it removed.
i will ring them tomorrow and see what they say as they wont have any appt left for today (tiny surgery)
hopefully they can give me something safe to take the pain doesnt bother me just dont want it getting badly infected or anything
thanks again
manda xx
I had a absess under my tooth when I was in my late teens and they are so so painful! I couldn't eat anything but soup. Luckily antibiotics cleared it up and I didn't need the tooth removed.
You have my sympathy :hug: :hug: :hug:

You need to get to the emergency dentist asap cos it will probably need antibiotics to clear it up. There are one's they can give you that are safe in pregnancy
well it seems to be going down and there ain no pain anymore so i think it might just of been an ulser
will see what its like tomorrow
manda xx
I hope it stays away. I was convinced I needed a filling a few months ago cos I had bad toothache for days, then it just stopped on it's own overnight.
Stupid thing teeth, nothing but trouble, and so expensive when they go wrong! :x
lol im having all mine taken out and falsys put in in a few years time much easier
manda xx
aww, absesses suck! I've already had 2 and with one of them, it was a sign of a root canal...don't mean to scare you. Your situation sounds different though if it's getting better - mine only grew and became more painful :( I think you can have work done on your mouth in second tri when the anesthetic can be used? I may be wrong but I'm almost sure my girlfriend had a cavity filled in second tri.

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