Think I’m going to miscarry


Well-Known Member
Jul 15, 2012
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I had a small amount of blood last night (just once when I wiped) and had a private early scan today. I should be 7+3 but only measured 6+1. She couldn’t see anything at all with abdominal scan and ended up doing transvaginal. Even then she really struggled but she said she could see the heartbeat. But there’s also a small hematoma and she’s wrote on my report that I have a retroverted uterus. I’ve never been told that before.

This basically reads exactly like my first mmc. I had a scan on the Monday, saw the heartbeat but measured behind then by Friday no heartbeat.

I’m a bridesmaid tomorrow and dunno how I’m gonna get through the day. If it doesn’t work out I don’t think I can do this again.
Oh hun , I Have my fingers well and truly crossed that this one stays for you. Much love xxx
Rainbow, are you sure of your ovulation date? Did you get later BFP? I think I remember in your journal you got a late BFP, which would absolutely explain this; you are likely simply not as far along as you thought... is that possible? I really, really hope that's the case. I'll be sending my best thoughts your way. When will they re-scan you?
I’m not sure of ovulation but we only DTD once on 13th so I just can’t see how their dates could work out. They didn’t say anything about rescanning. I guess I’ll need to phone my midwife on Monday and see what she suggests x
It probably won't reassure you but when I had my early scan I was put back a week. I also had spotting throughout both my pregnancies. I hope it's nothing. Hopefully mw can arrange for another scan in a week or two to see how things are progressing
Ah rainbow I really really hope you're not.

Don't forget (as gross as it sounds) sperm can survive for a few days inside of you so you didn't need to ovulate on the 13th if that makes sense.

Hopefully they will rescan you really soon.

Try and enjoy your weekend and bridesmaid duties as much as you can.
I have my fingers crossed for you rainbow but wanted to offer a comforting story. My friend on here back in 2015 when I had my 3rd little boy had a similar experience. She went for a scan when she was 7+3weeks but measured 6+2weeks but by the time she had her 12 week scan she was only 2 days out from her dates.

The babies are so small at 6-7wks between 4mm and 17mm ish which makes it so far it get accurate measurements, because just 1mm wrong can change you date by a couple of days.

It must be so hard having had a heartbeat on scan before and then still lose it but try and stay positive, keeping my fingers crossed for you xx

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Also I have had spotting in all 3 of my successful pregnancies. I think a retrovert uterus makes it very difficult to measure baby too xx

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Thanks everyone. I’m not managing to be very positive but the positivity from you all does help. Thanks x
The hematoma could completely explain the spotting. Also I second what kanga said, you’re only measuring about 5 days behind and you don’t know when you ovulated and they find it so hard to measure accurately so early and can easily be a couple of days out.

I know it’s hard, I’ve been there, I measured two weeks behind and had a heartbeat that stopped a week or so later. But from my insane googling when I was going through it you only really need to be concerned if you’re over a week out on your conception dates.

Keeping everything crossed for you xx
Thanks Lucy. It’s actually about 9 days out but could be less, I know I didn’t o much later than 13th x
I haven’t had any more blood and feel so sick today but that’s just the cruel thing about mmc. I’ve been here so I feel 90% sure it’s gonna go down that road again
I hope you&#8217;re wrong rainbow! Did you ask your midwife about another scan? Or have you considered paying for another scan? Hope all goes well <3
I really hope you are wrong. Did you contact your mw?
No, I honestly don&#8217;t even want to phone her. I can&#8217;t be bothered listening to her trying to reassure me. I&#8217;ve been here twice before. I feel like I know how it&#8217;s going to go and don&#8217;t want false hope, id rather be realistic. I might phone her tomorrow or I might just book another scan in a week then let her know after the fact.

I know some people might not understand not wanting to contact her but realistically there&#8217;s nothing she can do and I don&#8217;t want to go through the dance of having these conversations I&#8217;ve had before about how everything might be ok.
I get it rainbow, haven&#8217;t been there, but I get what you&#8217;re saying. I think that&#8217;s a good idea though, to book a scan and talk to her after. Scan is fact and knowing, midwife is just there for support really, you know your body. :hugs: <3
I understand completely. I don't think anything other than a repeat scan will help you at the moment though which is why I think phoning her will be a good idea.

Are you in a position to have another private scan if the NHS don't offer one?
I understand completely. I don't think anything other than a repeat scan will help you at the moment though which is why I think phoning her will be a good idea.

Are you in a position to have another private scan if the NHS don't offer one?

Yes I’ll be getting one regardless. Just don’t know if I’ll go through midwife x

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