Things you're looking forward to after baby is born?

Wine, getting totally wrecked and stumblng everywhere
Actually being able to drink (had a glass of wine last night and am still suffering the heartburn from it now, body was not happy)
Normal clothes
Not feeling faint when i bend
The possibility of actually being able to meet another guy and start a relationship (maybe)
Feeling sexy rather then motherly
Basically i want my baby without any of this pregnancy lark!! Cant someone jsut deliver him to my door in 4 months time???
abcd1234 said:
Wine, getting totally wrecked and stumblng everywhere
The possibility of actually being able to meet another guy and start a relationship (maybe)
Feeling sexy rather then motherly
Basically i want my baby without any of this pregnancy lark!! Cant someone jsut deliver him to my door in 4 months time???
I want to add these to my list!!

I'd love to meet someone soon after baby's born, if not for anything else, for my own sanity and for someone to be there for me and not just for baby x
I'm just missing time to organise things..I'm getting married 5 weeks after my due date as it was already booked so have to desperately try to fit in hair/nail/dress fittings and all those other things that can only be done once the babies here in those last few weeks so an extra couple months to get myself sorted out and fit into my dress would be great! And Im missing the drinking part and the next time I get to drink will actally be my hen night so I may just keel over with the shock!!! Oh August/September are gonna be fun but it'll be worth it!XX
Mine's brie, and rollercoasters. I can't believe I miss going to Alton Towers or Thorpe Park more than a glass of wine!!
*being able to bend over properly
*not feeling so tired all day, every day
i am looking forward to not being so bloody hormonal!

What do I miss!!!!

A glass (or two) of wine
A good long brisk walk
My usual clothes
Not being spotty
Being able to dye my hair (especially as the grey ones seem to be increasing with every month!!!)
Being able to go in the shower and not feel sick at the smell of conditioner/ shower gel etc
*A large glass of rioja
*Nurofen! (hate only being able to take paracetamol when ill!)
*Eggs (not cooked to a crisp)
*Cheesecake- still not quite sure if i can eat homemade one, please someone enlighten me if i'm wrong-this was one of the 1st things i read!
*Not being paranoid about every little twinge in my body
* I cant wait to get drunk!
I mean absolutely paraletic drunk! :shock:
Where i need my OH to look after me
I havent had a drop since i found out i was pregnant...
And im going to try and breastfeed so your not ment to drink much then either, right?

* And get my figure back :D

Im sure theres loads more,, but theyre the main ones for now
im looking forward to sitting on the sofa in my Pjs with a nice cup of tea, with bubba in the baby bouncer happily playing nice and content. i must say there isnt anything i miss at the moment to be honest.

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