Things you're looking forward to after baby is born?


Well-Known Member
Dec 30, 2007
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Just wondered what you're all missing. Of course meeting baby is my first thing then it is:
My favourite green dress (can't do it up :( )
White wine at barbecues
Menthol fags
Roller coasters at Thorpe park

Probably started thinking about these things now it's sunny more often.
Great idea for a thread Hazel!

I am missing;

- A decent waistband
- A fag...
- A night out (with alcohol!)
- A poo!

Even though I am missing that, I wouldnb't change being pregnant for the world!! :D
Im missing

The odd fag now and again

Going out and getting drunk with friends and OH

Adventurious (sp) sex, and so is OH. But i doubt i can swing from the lightshade with bubs in the bedroom anyway???

ermmmm and being skinny
MissSara said:
Adventurious (sp) sex, and so is OH. But i doubt i can swing from the lightshade with bubs in the bedroom anyway???
Haha!! :rotfl:

I'm missing sex in general... :moon: Any way, shape or form. Just gimme a man :wall: xx
Sex and being slim again...Im counting down the days!! :lol:
I am sooo looking forward to a big night out!!
I really want a cocktail!
All of the above .............. but a soppy one too.........

- Making my baby giggle and laugh i cannot wait for that moment (one in many i cannot wait for) but just to see him or her responding to me and laughing is going to rock my world i just know it!

I'm missing getting tipsy after a few glasses of wine, but its been so long without a drink I'll probably get drunk after a few sips :lol:

Also being able to sleep/roll over in bed without having pains in my back or hips :sleep: and waking ap refreshed

And wearing nice clothes and having a flat stomach. BTW does anyone know if you actually get a flat stomach back after having a child? :think:
cinnamon81 said:
And wearing nice clothes and having a flat stomach. BTW does anyone know if you actually get a flat stomach back after having a child? :think:

I got my flat tummy back but it's covered in stretchmarks. I still havnt been able to shift the backflab though :roll:
I had backflab before I got pregnant anyway. And rollover bits at my hips :cry: The joy of being a woman! OH says having curves is very womanly, and if he's happy so am I :wink:
dannii87 said:
Great idea for a thread Hazel!

I am missing;

- A decent waistband
- A fag...
- A night out (with alcohol!)
- A poo!

Even though I am missing that, I wouldnb't change being pregnant for the world!! :D

ditto, was going to add i'm looking forward to an uninterupted nights sleep...but thats not going to happen!! :wall:

We'll prob miss our bumps when they are gone
definitely a glass of wine!!!

and not having heartburn... I've had it constantly since week 8!!
I can't wait to have brie or Stilton again.

Oh and I want to stay up past 9.30pm too!
I am missing

long runs on an early morning
Getting wasted and dancing like a loon with my mates
a full nights sleep (without getting up every two hours to pee!)
knowing what size clothes will fit when I am shopping

:D :D
I am missing:

* 14 hour sleeps (though I think I may have to admit these are gone for good..)
* Being able to concentrate on anything for more than 5 minutes.
* Having energy.
Wine mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Pencil skirts

glad i'm not the only one...when people ask me what i'm craving i say crisps but i really mean a marlborough light and an ice cold pint of stella!! cant wait!

wouldnt it be awesome to go out on the lash together...although we'd probably only last a couple of drinks and spend most of the time worrying about our LOs at home :rotfl:
Things i'm looking forward to being able to do...

being able to sit/lay in any position without feeling some sort of pain.

Having a flat belly again (hopefully at some point in the future!! :pray: )

Bending in the middle.

wearing normal clothes.

drinking and socialising-even a little bit will be nice

going for a wee with normal intervals inbetween.

walking small distances without being knackered!!

Going for more than a day without feeling hormonal.

:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Saying all this-I do enjoy being pregnant-tho it would be an awful lot better minus the above list!!!! :rotfl:
sparky said:
glad i'm not the only one...when people ask me what i'm craving i say crisps but i really mean a marlborough light and an ice cold pint of stella!! cant wait!

wouldnt it be awesome to go out on the lash together...although we'd probably only last a couple of drinks and spend most of the time worrying about our LOs at home :rotfl:

Hehe, it's so sad but I'm actually worried that I'll lose the taste for alcohol - my worst nightmare :lol:

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