Things that annoy you about Christmas

try to please everyone
that shops only close for one day over christmas, people wouldnt stave if they closed for 2/3
mary70 said:
try to please everyone
that shops only close for one day over christmas, people wouldnt stave if they closed for 2/3

I agree with that, then my OH would get more time off than just xmas day and boxing day :cry:
School xmas plays -

I actually love them but always end up getting wound up with not being able to see my child and the other parents being loud/in my way/ at the front coz they got there half an hour b4 everyone else, it's a room full of competitive parents and me and OH always start bickering and then he will embarrass me in some way - and i end up going home feeling a mixture of pride, happiness, anger and frustration!
1- the expense is ridiculous
2- the battling of crowds with my buggy breakin anyones ankles
3- the fact its over within a matter of hours :roll:
i love christmas, but i love the being with my family
eating good food and booze and now i have hayden its
lovely to get him excited about all the things i was as a kid.

the thing that annoys me is the fakeness and commercialism
of it all..ppl have lost the true meaning somewhere along the line!
its become all about presents and greed.
plus you have to be nice and buy gifts for ppl u hardly see all
year and probably dont like that and knowing me
i'll probably get drunk and tell them so!! :rotfl:
That bloody half a stone that comes to haunt me until March :evil:
Chrsitmas songs all over MTV!!! RUINING MY VIEWING PLEASURE! :twisted:

and the kittens leaping all over the tree and spreading gold glitter from my decs all over my choc brown carpet - grrrr
HappyAlice said:
School xmas plays -

I actually love them but always end up getting wound up with not being able to see my child and the other parents being loud/in my way/ at the front coz they got there half an hour b4 everyone else, it's a room full of competitive parents and me and OH always start bickering and then he will embarrass me in some way - and i end up going home feeling a mixture of pride, happiness, anger and frustration!

this reminds me of my dd1's nativity, i was sat behind a mum who had a camcorder and was videoing her son and al through the play she kept going i wish she would move her f***ing head, That fat B******'s in the way etc and then they started talking about getting a bottle of lambrini and getting pissed that night :rotfl: i can just imagine them watchin the video/dvd in years to come to remember his first play and listening to his mum swearing and talking about her night out!!! :shock:

I agree about Tescos, hence why mine was delivered this morning.

I hate:

Why family don't just leave us to have a family christmas, namely MIL she's coming over for 2 hours on christmas day and I feel like she's spoilt the day :( Just want to be on our own.

How people get upset because you don't want to go round to their house for lunch :roll: :roll:

The mess/waste

Kids being greedy and the "next" sort of attitude with presents
Christmas TV.. theres only ever a few things worth watching and I get bored sitting around after eating a whole tube of pringles and a box of matchmakers lol :oops:
Why don't people say Happy Christmas instead of putting it in a card? Surely cards are for people who live away that you don't see often?
Funny though, i send cards cos everyone else does!

I hate present buying for my huge family, it makes Christmas not fun... it is TOO COMMERCIALISED! I'm in the shops for days stressing, surely that aint right? I need to be at home with family eating nice food, and being thankful, that is all x
The cheesy crap music (the commercial chart hit christmas songs are fine, i mean the boll0x lift music ones), erm, the post - when I'm stuck waiting for things to come from ebay before I can wrap them... being stuck for pressie ideas because I was too imaginative last year and this year everyone has booze and chocolates :oops: :(
I am with you on the card thing. I have decided that this is the last year we send cards. It is environmentally damaging. I will make a donation to a charity and email all my friends and relatives instead.

I also HATE tinsel. Urgh, tacky, horrible stuff!

But don't get me wrong...I love Christmas, it rocks!
i LOVE christmas!!! :cheer: I look forward to it every year.....but it does sometimes stress me out :(

Mostly MIL and ask FIL what he weants for xmas and you'll get this reply (put on grumpy northern accent" If theres anything i want i'll bloody buy it meself" :shock: Thats sooooooo annoying. If we didnt get him anything he'd moan. And when he opens something quite often he'll say thanks, then moan about hopw he told us not to buy him anything though.... :x

And MIL .... every year we alternate where we have dinner between my parents and MIL's house and every year we dont go to her she starts saying things about my mum like "Oooh , can she manage?" and "its a lot for your mum to cope with".....really annoys me. My mums YOUNGER than MIL and shes quite capable of making an xmas dinner for her kids!! Then MIl starts asking if my mum can "manage" and "afford" to buy pressies for her grandkids!!!!!!!!!!!!! Shes not some old tramp you know!!

my MIL and Fil are terrible snobs, if you hadnt guessed :roll: . Sorry for the long rant :rotfl: But i do love xmas :)
Where do you want to start?
The overdone,faked bloody cheeriness at Christmas makes me sick "HO HO HO TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY RAM IT DOWN YOUR THROAT" :x :x I mean, I enjoy Christmas but I'm not going to go around acting like a grinning idiot. Also i hate the commercialis, and the amount of cheap horrible crap in the shops,especially for kids...I hate the way some kids are s greedy around Christmas....I hate the constant advertising....the horrible trashy decorations...watching small spoilt relatives acting small and spoilt on Boxing day...
erm- the crowds- and the commercial-ness of it. it pisses me off when people try to make me feel bad for being so passive about it (im exchanging cards & gifts and having xmas dinner at my parents but i cant be arsed with a tree or decorations) when im not even religious anyway- and most often they arent either! its a religious festival and should only be a big deal if ur religious- and u shouldnt be called a scrooge or a grinch or whatever for not having a tree when ur not even religious!
trixipaws said:
erm- the crowds- and the commercial-ness of it. it p*sses me off when people try to make me feel bad for being so passive about it (im exchanging cards & gifts and having xmas dinner at my parents but i cant be arsed with a tree or decorations) when im not even religious anyway- and most often they arent either! its a religious festival and should only be a big deal if ur religious- and u shouldnt be called a scrooge or a grinch or whatever for not having a tree when ur not even religious!

Who pissed on your cornflakes? :wink:

I know what you mean. I'm totally with you on the religious thing. Coca cola invented the santa image though so thats not religious :wink:
trixipaws said:
erm- the crowds- and the commercial-ness of it. it p*sses me off when people try to make me feel bad for being so passive about it (im exchanging cards & gifts and having xmas dinner at my parents but i cant be arsed with a tree or decorations) when im not even religious anyway- and most often they arent either! its a religious festival and should only be a big deal if ur religious- and u shouldnt be called a scrooge or a grinch or whatever for not having a tree when ur not even religious!

it's not about religion in my family :) it's a tradition of giving, spending time together, having fun, making things, saying goodbye to the year, etc etc

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