They tell me not to worry..


Well-Known Member
Sep 28, 2008
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but i just can't help it :( seriously.. everything had stopped, no bleeding, no pains.. my scan had reassured me.. i was all set for xmas and making my whole family dinner.

Then i wake up this morning, mild concractions.. brown bleeding, stringy mucus plug. LOTS OF MUCUS PLUG :( i freaked out.

It's just like i'm a big giant bomb waiting to go off :( i just pray if he's coming early, it's after bloody xmas! knowing my luck i'll be at the dinner table.

Sorry, i know everyone's probably getting annoyed with my ranting but seriously my family/oh seem to be getting sick of hearing it too, so this is my outlet.

you rant away hun. baby will come when he or she wants to so no amount of worrying will make the slightest bit of difference. Try and relax and let whatever happens happen (easier said than done i know!)
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:

Poor old you, you have every right to rant and worry, these bodies of ours can do some blimmen annoying and scary things, just remember that if baby does come soon, he/she will very mosy likely be absloutely fine, probably just doesn't want to miss out on all the christmas fun!

Look after yourself and bugger everyone else!! :hug:
aww hun, don't worry and rant away. We are all here to listen. Hope everything goes well and baby stays in for at least few more weeks :hug: :hug: :hug:
:hug: I can imagine how worried you are at the moment! take care of yourself and try to relax as hard as it might be. I hope you have a good Christmas and little Logan stays put for a few weeks. It sounds like your being really well looked after, so I'm sure whatever happens everything will be fine!! :D
:hug: I'd be ranting if i was in your situation. We are due on the same date and i can't imagine going through what you have. I pray you have a great christmas. Like Halemon has said even if things did happen at the dinner table on christmas day :shock: everything would be ok. Try and take it easy (i know that easier said than done) and i just hope things settle down enough for you and your family to enjoy this christmas. :hug:

Grace xx

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