They fake accounts...


Well-Known Member
Aug 18, 2011
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Have really got me thinking and I just wanted to say -

A massive thank you to all the ladies on here who are real and genuine... I joined when I got my BFP and I swear this place has been such a safe haven and has helped me through any questions I've had! This is my first pregnancy and I'm only 23 so still pretty naive!

When I found out I was able to scream (or rather type type type) it on here and it curbed my notion to tell people our secret until the 12 weeks. I was able to read through other womens concerns, so if I had twinges etc I had a rough idea and knew not to worry. I was so excited to share my scan pictures! This place has saved my husband going nuts with the amount of pregnancy chat I was doing! It's also saved clogging up my facebook with pregnancy updates!! Lol.

Now, sitting here at 38 weeks - so much has changed, I'm married, about to pop and with hubby being away I honestly can't ask for a better place to speak about anything and everything.

So thanks ladies.... I really do appreciate everything. Sorry for the pretty pointless thread!! :thanks: xxx
The exact same reason i am here too hun, somewhere to rant when needed or just chat general shit and no one minds lol
Same hun, I don't know what I'd do without the ladies on here, I prob would have went mad by now and drove oh mad too lol! Xxxx

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It's crazy what an online family can really help you with huh ;)

It's great, I don't feel embarrased to write my feelings or problems - even if they are TMI haha! It really does give you a boost when your down to.

Another great thing is sharing the highs with everyone, and going through the bad times together when you feel like you've took a little weight off someones shoulders just by listening.

Aww my emotions are running high here - I love you guys!! :hugs: Lol!!
Aw such a lovely thread!!

If anything, the troll has brought us all closer together as a wee pregnant community - so at least some good came out of it :) x

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I completely agree with you Levi, I love this place and I do post some random crap on here lol

We help each other through the rough and bad times and also through the good itmes, we reassure when it's needed and advise when it's needed

I love this place :) xxxx
Well said Levi! I love it here, had my NCT classes last week and must admit I felt quite smug as I knew most of the answers to questions she was asking and that's all thanks to PF as I was completely clueless about pregnancy and babies prior to September last year!
Totally agree! Pf has been a godsend!
:dito: Couldn't agree with you more. The best forum i've seen with a great community of ladies with a wicked sense of humour and knowledge that I don't know what I would have done without. Thank you to everyone involved in making PF fantastic.

Awww :dance: how sweet! But everyone remember theres trolls on every forum so dont rise to them ;) x
Aww Foggy I was the same! I went to one and came out and decided i wasnt going to the rest because I felt like i knew more than the midwife lol! Xxx

couldnt agree more! ive only been on here for a few days and already everyone's been so helpful and supportive:)
really dislike it when troll's damage the lovely, friendly atmoshpere!xxx.
i agree it has helped me so much as im alone and my mother isnt about and i dont have anyone to ask all these questions i keep thinking of x
love it here you're all soo lovely and helpful and if I hadnt joined Id have been on google and that is not a good thing xx

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