There's something wrong with me!!


Well-Known Member
Dec 9, 2012
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Hi girls,

So as the title say, the doctor has done a whole bunch of blood tests and one has come back abnormal and she said it could be causing the miscarriages. This might sound weird but I'm relieved, finally a reason as to why this keeps happening to me. Well she just said could be the reason but all I have to do is take high dose folic acid to fix so she's prescribed me that and says I'll need to take for the rest of my life. She said its a genetic mutation and my result has come back as homozygous.

Anyone else had anything like that from rmc testing? Xxx
Hi hun,

I had no idea what this was so had a quick google. It seems to indicate that some will prescribe heparin also as can lead to blood clotting. Is this something they mentioned? The site did mention high dose folic acid too. I know what you mean about finding a potential reason. I had mixed feelings when getting my RMC results, I didn't know if I wanted there to be a reason or not. Hope you're doing ok xx
Hi hun I've had nothing come back like that mine all came back clear. But in a weird way I'm so glad they found something and it's so easy to fix. Your rainbow baby is coming up soon :) xxx
Hi Huns, I had the tests but I never heard him mention one re. Folic Acid, even though I take the 400iu folic acid each day any time they test me my blood is low in it. My tests came back clear which was a little frustrating though I was relieved it was nothing major. I'm so glad that they can fix what they found for you and easily, fingers crossed that your next little baby bean sticks :dust: how much Folic acid do you have to take now? Are they doing any tests on your OH?
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Yeah Lisey that's what she said, I've to take baby aspirin too. The dose of folic acid is 5mg, she said at the moment there's no need to test my husband as I'm getting pregnant easily enough. There's a few more blood tests she wants to do in 6 weeks when all the pregnancy hormones have left my system xxx
I am so glad you have a plan of action, she sounds like she is taking good care of you xx
Great that there's something you can do differently, it's just a real shame that you've had to go through all that heartache to have those investigations :( xx
Glad they found something Cosmo. I'm also on 5mg of folic acid as well as the baby aspirin. Doing well so far. Next ones your rainbow baby xxx
Pleased that I have a reason hun! Fingers crossed for a sticky bean v soon xxx
I never had testing, as they didn't class my 3rd loss as a loss as it was a chemical! but off my own back I took extra folic acid on top of the amount already in my diet and prenatel vits and also took Vit D and low dose aspirin and I am now 37 weeks! coincidence? who knows?

It must help knowing there could be a cause that could be put right :) here's to that sticky bean.....
Im glad you have found a reason so you can do things differently, got everything crossed for a super sticky little bean very soon xx
Thanks ladies, I'm feeling positive and at least there's something I can do that's so simple like increasing folic acid intake. Not going to try this cycle but after I have my first period we'll be back to trying, really hoping that I fall quickly again. Concentrating on keeping healthy and trying to lose some weight just now xxx
Hi Cosmo
I'm sorry to hear there is a cause but I'm glad to hear there is a solution - if you know what I mean?
All of my tests came back clear, I even had next level testing for the TABLET trial and all normal. I found that frustrating as I don't believe that three in a row is "bad luck". However, this time I'm taking aspirin, extra folic acid and progesterone. Nothing ventured nothing gained! My consultant said that while the clotting tests were normal, there was no harm in taking aspirin.
Glad to hear you've got some answers hun! I'm just waiting to ovulate, this period has been much better than my last (minus the huge clot I lost!) Fingers crossed everything's getting back to normal! Xx
Really glad you got an answer and its something you can easily rectify. Hope to see mini cosmo on the way soon :) xx

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