The X Factor!!

I don't like that Lionie (sp) the last girl, you can tell straight away that she loves herself and she knows she is good, her head is going to be huuuuuge by the end of this :talkhand:

I liked the first guy, robert is it. his personality is great, and i like Nakita to.
lol budge. Just read about the tarzan bloke, dumped his girlfriend for someone who works on sharrons team stating that his girlfriend just isnt going to be right for his image, what a tosser, mind you, youdont know how true it is. mind you she put old fish under the keys of his piano and bleach on his clothes i think.

if thats true what a wa**er
I thought it was a good show last night and really liked most of them, was I watching the same show :? I liked the unconventionals, but agree that they deserved to go last night. I didn't think much of the scottish guys or Ray but thought the others were all pretty good.

My DH thinks Ben is good! Yep, my DH watches it with me :D

im glad that that group went i didnt like them they all seemed wierd :lol:

did any one else think that the last girl was trying to forse tears out?????

i like the tarzan look alike the most not keen on ashley or the other black man the first one ? forgot his name... they both seem to big headed and in love with them selves
does he have vines in his garden and who is looking after che che
they need to look at 'american idol' for REAL talent.. :roll:

cant wait till the new season starts
ebony_preggy said:
they need to look at 'american idol' for REAL talent.. :roll:

cant wait till the new season starts

ive only ever seen snippets of the american idol ebony.
I take it your comment was a joke
Me and OH like Ben to
last year Luke loved it as he liked Chicco!!! this year he gets a bit bord and starts singing.
Why have they put on Robin Hood at the same time? I miss the end of the X Factor as Luke and OH want to watch it
Thank god forsun repeat and karate
OMG I love american idol, they put our lot to shame. Althouh last time I stoped watching it in outrage that the metaller Chris was voted off. Idiots! I loved him.
Im not a fan of Ben, he has a good voice but its not the kind of singing I would want to listen to.

Maybe if he sings a song I know I'll change my mind lol!
i wonder who wil be voted off tonight!

every saturday i say im not going to watch it but i find myself morbidly glued to the tv never the less :lol: :lol:

i hope Robert goes. i thought he was terrible last week and he was so over excited it was embarrassing.

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