The X Factor!!

yeah i like the tarzan looka like too steph. However i reckon he sounds too much like rod stewart. No originality anymore.

the girl in the wheelchair will no doubt get through to the last rounds. Im not being horrible but the sympathy vote will do it. Its the same with the young lad like you said steph.

Gareth gates only got through with people feeling sorry for him. He couldn't sing either.
I think the young boy in simons group is quite cute, but sorry i think he cant sing at all!!!!!!! think hes getting the sypmathy vote which is probley what Simon is hoping for !!
Simon said he hasn;t even managed to finish a single song yet! :shock: He'd be awful on the live show. When they showed him with his cuddly toy I just wanted to shout at the tv, bloody wuss. I think Simon's making a mistake putting him through.
oh i didn't see him with a cuddly toy :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

its a fooking joke! :rotfl: :rotfl:
oh lord! its donkey season! :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

cassi cassi where are you :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl: donkeys?!?!?!?


Me and Jakob


the girl with the gappy teeth that sharon put through, is she the same girl that simon said could sing the phone book. :shock:
I think the scottish girl will do well, the one who's mum died last year. :think:

Something about her.
i did for years cassi. i got a brace though. i like gaps in teeth. i reckon they are sexy :hug: (im not a lesbo don't worry) i just think they make a face look interesting.
Did anyone see that boyband that got through in Louis's group with the EMACIATED lad in it!!! He had dark hair and was standing on the left hand side of the stage, he was so INCREDIBLY thin, he must have had severe anorexia, I have never seen a bloke so thin!!! It actually really disturbed me!

Like Budge says, there is no one that takes my fancy at all. What about that kid James with the fuzzy afro? His hair just annoys me looking at it!!!
yes i saw him. he looked like a ghost.. and he couldn't sing. don't know how they got thruogh
Yep, thanks budge :)

just a shame some people have to take the piss :(
Well I have watched it all now and have to agree girls there's no-one that shines through for me too. I couldn't believe the 2 brothers who were in the brother band who split up didn't rehearse at all but went to bed!!! It was funny when the other 2 came out all happy that they got through and they were stood there with their pet lips out - serves him right for going on holiday :rotfl: :rotfl:

cassi said:
Yep, thanks budge :)

just a shame some people have to take the p*ss :(

I wasnt taking the p*ss honest. I have a gap in my teeth as well. i wore a brace as a child, had great straight teeth but then i had my wisdom teeth removed and bingo, all the hard work gone.

i just referred to her as the lady with the gap in her teeth so that people knew who i was talking about.

didnt mean to offend :D
I know you wernt Davina...It was the other comment that im sure you will agree was taking the piss :(

I got bullied badly in school and alot of the time it was gappy cassi gappy cassi and alot of people took the piss out of me because of you will know why it upsets me when i come onto an adult forum like this and people still stoop so low as to take the piss out of someones features like just upsets me..
Sorry didn't mean to offend you Cassi. It was a stupid remark.
Its ok thankyou for apologising that was nice of you :)

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