The X Factor!!

:cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:


Let me in the simon club, i didnt relise i am going to have all this competion :rotfl: :rotfl:
Ewwww you lot can have Simon he he!!!

I cant believe this programme is back was more frightening when OH said to me last night 'Did you know Jade when X Factor finishes at xmas our baby will be almost due?'

I pooed my pants momentarily, what a mad thought!

We needed a pic of the sex god on this thread! :D

Jonathon (i think that was his name- the one who cares for his mum ) should win. He's gorg and can sing!!! :D
loved that girls voice ;leoni' easnt it. plus she looked great. grrr i'm jealous. wait till shes had three kids she wont look so great grrrr. :lol:

i reckon simon will have under 25
sharon groups and louie over 25.

what do you think.


anyone that wears trousers that high NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

how can paula have only been there for one day she changed outfits 3 times. then when she left she had her original one on.

wasnt there a girl on here that auditioned but she saidthat she never even saw the gruesome twosome and sharon (just read her book, fantastic)
davina said:

anyone that wears trousers that high NNNNNNNNOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO

GO AND SIT IN THE CORNER DAVINA... NOW!!! :shakehead: :shakehead: :shakehead:
Aww bless that 16 yr old that had to try twice! i cried when they let him through, Andy was laughing at me!

That old woman that told simon off :rotfl: You go girl!

There are some right odd bods.. "I'm the next mariah Carey!"
"I have the X factor!!"
Who tells these people they can sing! they do it for entertainment value don't they!

Now i like X factor because of this......


He is nice, and funny...... yum yum
I was laughing the whole way through, I can't believe what some of them were wearing!

I don't believe that they can look in a mirror before they leave the house & think 'mmm, I look gooood!'

I did cry when that little boy got through though (blaming hormones). Little sweetheart.

That group 'Pure Liberty' were good, lots of energy.

(and I don't really get the Simon thing. Sorry...)
I cried too! i almost managed to hide myself (we were watching at OH's mums) and then OH walked out to get me a tissue, i ahd to run out the room so his mum didnt see me!
Hi everyone,
I cried too when the young lad got through-it must be all those hormones floating around.
Saturday nights are coming good again-my little biy said to me last night, "we just need Ant and Dec back on and Saturday nights will be perfect!" I couldn't agree with him more.

I know the x factor can be classed by some people as being for those people who don't like to think whilst watching tele (at least thats what my brother says) but I think it is great family entertainment. We all snuggle up together and laugh and cry at bits-whats wrong with that?

I agree with those people who think Ben Shepherd is gorgeous, not sure about Simon though.

If tele is really bad tonight I can always watch it again on ITV2 at 8:30-sad I know but at least its something reasonable to watch.

The woman who sang like a prayer was so funny. "Please! Stop saying please! please" haha :rotfl:
oh yeah the one who wanted to be MAD-donna!! :rotfl:

She sounded like a man, and that guy whosand the earth song and though he was really great and broke the stage!! :rotfl:
i was sat there wehn that young lad was on going *dont cry, dont cry, how pathetic will u look its only a programme* turned to me dad to say aww isnt he good and my dad is crying! i cudnt believe it, dad doesnt cry, he only cried when nan and grandad died. bless him eh, who said its just hormones!

i loved that old lady giving jip to simon

grrr simon, i dont like him, he upsets so many ppl,

did anyone watch the xtra factor or was i the only one sad enough?

did you hear the girl in the red top adn black pants, she was 16, cant remember her name, they said she needed singing lessons, i was like WTF she's amazing but oh well at least they todl her to come back next year!
I also cried at that young lad... aww bless!

Love the audition stages... they are so funny. That guy who sang Michael Jackson then broke the set with his dramatics! LMAO

Not seeing the Simon Cowell thing either.... (sorry Hearts - I'll sit in the ocrner with Davina) the corner of taste hehe! :rotfl: Each to their own.

Roll on next saturday for more saddos.

Loved that Jonathan guy, and the girl who sang over the rainbow! Brilliant. Really liked that group who sand top of the world too.

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