The worst place your baby has been sick?


Well-Known Member
Apr 7, 2005
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I have just got in from the park, I had Mason on his bike, I was pushing Brody on his trike and had Riley in the sling.

We had a picnic and went to the play area etc and then got in the queue for the ice cream man. I took out my purse out, opened up the zip for the coins, and held it close to Riley ......and he puked right into it :rotfl: All over the coins and everything, I will have to stick it in the wash now.

Luckily I had a dry fiver to give the poor ice cream man who didn't look very impressed at my fishing around in a purse full of baby puke. :lol:
On my boss. Whoops! She has two grown up boys though and was quite understanding about it :lol: .
:rotfl: omg thats hillerious!!!

No weird places for me yet...
Callum hasnt really been sick much
Wasn't my baby but my nephew was sick all over my SIL at my wedding - wasn't funny for her at the time but looking back it is now!
Down the back of some random strangers legs in the shopping centre... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: it wasn't so funny at the time though.. :think:
All over the table at Cafe Pasta in Stratford :roll: Brad decided to give him a piece of spaghetti to amuse himself with but he lodged it down the back of his throat and the projectile vomited everywhere! Brad said he had never seen me move so fast in his life, I had the whole place spic and span in about 5 seconds flat and we dont think that the people at the next table even noticed thank god!!!!! I don't know what I would do with out baby wipes and milton wipes! The worst thing was I had to take all the sick covered wipes home with us wrapped in nappy bags because I didn't want anyone else to know what had happened! :oops:
In my mouth :puke: I was holding her above my head and going 'aaaaaaah' and she barfed right in it and my reflex thing made me swallow it :puke:
Snuggle said:
In my mouth :puke: I was holding her above my head and going 'aaaaaaah' and she barfed right in it and my reflex thing made me swallow it :puke:

My OH's Auntie did exactly the same thing but with wee...
She was holding OH's cousin over her head and she weed in her mouth :lol:
I think I'd have thrown the purse and the cash away :rotfl: poor ice cream man!!!
Finn always sicks up something orange over me when I'm wearing white :wall:
worst place for me was just over my front, but it was on the way to Houston and we had to circle while we waited for a landing spot.... I stank!!

Got off the plane and met Brian and his mum and they asked where we wanted to go for food and I just cried and said "can we pick up a Sonic from the drive through as I want a shower"

I have never felt so hot and swety and stinky in all my life, because of the delays in our flight from London, by the time we got there we had been travelling 22hrs :puke:
:rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:

Nowhere too exciting for DD yet. Though she was sick into my bra when she was a few days old. At that point her sick was still mucusy and there was a pool of it in my bra between my breasts :rotfl:
The funniest place was when my dad had willow on his sholders and she was sick all over his head :rotfl: it was so funny in the middle of a busy shopping centre.
down my back and I then went out with it on me not knowing, smeared it all over the car too :wall:
not sick but hannah had really bad diareah at her christening and i ended up covered too as it was down her legs and all over her dress, i had to tell the female vicar who was doing the christening and she was fantastic and took her off me so i could get cleaned up even though it meant she had it all over her robes, all she said was that it would wash bless her :oops:
right down my cleavage and it was so much it was running down my crotch lol... all in my bra a huge puddle of it ewww...charlotte pewked calpol and milk mixture all in my face (she was sitting on a picnic bench table and i was sitting on teh bench part) and she pewked after going to folly farm at aobut 8 months all in my face.. all over her and all down my jeans.. it was basically pink curdle!! ming.. in front of all my friends.. and i didnt have a change of clothes and charls dad didnt help i jsut sat there wearing sick..
Snuggle said:
In my mouth :puke: I was holding her above my head and going 'aaaaaaah' and she barfed right in it and my reflex thing made me swallow it :puke:

Like me, I was holding Jake up over my head and he puked right in my face :puke:

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