The pregnancy and smoking campaign.


Well-Known Member
Nov 18, 2008
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I just tried to find the ad on YouTube, some of you might have seen it, if not keep your eye out! It's pregnant ladies and they tell of the effects smoking has to their baby, e.g 'my baby's growth is being stunted'.

I couldn't help but notice how they're all young women! There isn't one middle aged woman on the advert which I thought slightly unfair.

What do you think about the ad and if you were a smoker whilst pregnant and seen the ad, would it make you think twice?
I think its a crying shame that this even needs to be done. We all know that smoking when you are pregnant is disgusting :shakehead: NO excuse, sorry :talkhand:

I am zero tolerance I'm afraid and think the money put into this 'campaign' could be better spent than on selfish people who should know better!!!!

Lou said:
I think its a crying shame that this even needs to be done. We all know that smoking when you are pregnant is disgusting :shakehead: NO excuse, sorry :talkhand:

I am zero tolerance I'm afraid and think the money put into this 'campaign' could be better spent than on selfish people who should know better!!!!


:clap: agreed!

They know the risks, I gave up the moment I saw my bfp...but would see girls outside antenatal with bumps and a fag on,and my blood would boil! Everyone knows its a elfish thing to do..the money could be much better spent!
I know someone who smoked through pregnancy and has a very intelligent, in well proportioned toddler :think: I think its a waste of money these kind of ads. You either stop or don't :talkhand: Everyone knows the dangers.
I dont think everyone does know the dangers of smoking while pregnant. Or at least they choose to ignore them.

I have heard/read on many occassions, not just on the internet or on tv, but in real life too, comments such as 'my mum smoked and it never did me any harm' Or 'I smoked and had a over due 9lb baby!'.
The message is obviously not getting through to everyone.

I am all for education. Knowledge is power! If it stops one mother from potentially harming her child then to me its worth it.
I think you'd have to have been living under a rock to not know the dangers of smoking while pregnant. And if people chose to ignore the dangers why should money be spent trying to convince them? :think: I know what you are saying but that money could be put into caring for poorly babies whose mothers didn't smoke and did everything in their power to have a healthy baby :think:
I am sure there are many woman out there who know its not great to smoke, but have no idea to what extent (including SIDS). It could be that they simply aren't given this information or that they are functionally illiterate, which around 8 million Brits are.

Not everyone has access to information or through ignorance they choose to ignore it.
(I was listening to Sara Cox on Monday and she didn't know how many days it took the Earth to travel round the sun. Shocking! :shock: Now you would think that a fairly well educated women of 34 would know this!)

But the campaign is also designed to help pregnant women that want to give up but are finding it hard or aren't admitting they are still smoking for fear of being be criticised. For theses women I think the campaign is crucial. Something needs to be done, if only to stop generation after generation growing up thinking 'its not that bad' to smoke while pregnant.

Personally I agree with you on zero tolerance. I will never fathom how a pregnant woman could smoke because its something I could never contemplate doing. But in order for change, its vital for everyone to have access to the information and all the support they need.
Misslarue said:
I am sure there are many woman out there who know its not great to smoke, but have no idea to what extent (including SIDS). It could be that they simply aren't given this information or that they are functionally illiterate, which around 8 million Brits are.

Not everyone has access to information or through ignorance they choose to ignore it.
(I was listening to Sara Cox on Monday and she didn't know how many days it took the Earth to travel round the sun. Shocking! :shock: Now you would think that a fairly well educated women of 34 would know this!)

But the campaign is also designed to help pregnant women that want to give up but are finding it hard or aren't admitting they are still smoking for fear of being be criticised. For theses women I think the campaign is crucial. Something needs to be done, if only to stop generation after generation growing up thinking 'its not that bad' to smoke while pregnant.

Personally I agree with you on zero tolerance. I will never fathom how a pregnant woman could smoke because its something I could never contemplate doing. But in order for change, its vital for everyone to have access to the information and all the support they need.

Yes I totally agree when you put it like that :D

Maybe the harmfull affects of smoking should be included and discussed at ante natal classes? :think:
Definitely :D If they are going to do it, it should be an all out campaign.
Also there should me more info in the bounty pack, just looking through mine and theres not even a whole page dedicated to it.
Serendipity_ said:
I know someone who smoked through pregnancy and has a very intelligent, in well proportioned toddler
i smoked while i was pregnant, zach is chubby and healthy. i'm not going to make a big long post apologising for it. i know it's wrong, those adverts sometimes literally hurt me with guilt.
charlotte_ said:
[quote="Serendipity_":1e6qejrz]I know someone who smoked through pregnancy and has a very intelligent, in well proportioned toddler
i smoked while i was pregnant, zach is chubby and healthy. i'm not going to make a big long post apologising for it. i know it's wrong, those adverts sometimes literally hurt me with guilt.[/quote:1e6qejrz]

Why didn't you give up? I'm not asking in a tetchy way. I drank heavily before I feel pregnant but the moment I got BFP I stopped- it seemed just a naturl thing to do- I hardly touched a drop in the 9 months and I didn't miss it. As a non-smoker I kind of presumed it is the same with cigarettes IYKWIM! :?
i was a really heavy drinker too. i quit that as soon as i found out.
my pregnancy was unplanned, and originally i wasn't going to continue with it; i was under a lot of stress... and i sort of forgot to stop? i know that sounds ridiculous, but it's the only way i can describe it.
i was on class A drugs until i got my BFP with millie. i quit cold turkey :angel: tbh i didnt even find it difficult. i admit if i hadnt got pregnant i couldnt have stopped like that, no way. i can abuse my own body, but not my baby's, thats why it wasnt hard, i just couldnt do it, no matter how bad the cravings!

if cigarettes are so addictive that women cant give up even when they are pregnant (which it must be coz i'm sure they all do care about their babies and want to stop, they literally cant coz theyre so addicted), why the hell is tobacco not a class A drug? :roll: why is tobacco not just banned thats an easy way to stop it!

i'm really not anti-smoking, in case i come across that way- i just think its stupid that some dangerous things are quite legal and no laws against giving them to unborn babies and other much less dangerous things are not!
Good point Trixipaws :think:

It is definately tough to quit smoking and I applaud anyone who quits successfully but it does just take will power. Its not like heroin where you have to go onto a methadone programme and wean your body off of the drug because its dangerous to go cold turkey, the only side effect of tobacco is cravings and they are overcome with will power. I know some people use the nicotine replacement patches and gum but I think that more a pyschological (sp) support rather than a physical one :think:
I once heard someone say that giving up smoking is the first thing that anyone asks you to do for your child, and if you are too selfish to do that, what sort of a parent will you make (it was someone on loose women). It kind of summed up how I feel, it makes me so cross to see people smoking when pregnant, everyone knows the effect it has and if these adverts make it more taboo and make people feel guilty enough to stop, then they are a good thing.

As Trix says it is not that difficult to give up if you really want to, people give up things that are much harder for the sake of their unborn child.

And as for the comments that everone knows someone who has had a healthy baby while smoking, that is all well and good, but how many people don't and would you want that on your conscience?

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