right girls, today is my big day! I have got to have this all done by 6pm tonight,
and collect my avon books
here is my list:
collect avon books
hoover downstairs inclding behind the sofas
dust all downstairs skirting boards
Wash floors with new febreeze floor wash found in asda sale last night (too excited about that!)
clean donwstairs toilet
clear excess junk out of hall
dust surfaces in living room
buy nice (but cheap) flowers for the hall and living room
Cook a fish pie by 6pm.
Cook a pizza at 7pm ready for the party.
polish wine glasses so they dont look dirty
put out party food on plates and dips out and generally make place look nice
washing up, and tidy away avon stuff, to upstairs
finish off ironing
my god, I cant believe I thought that Id be able to take LO to signing on top of all this
Id better start now, thinkIll do some ironing until LOs nap, then when hes asleep Ill really go for it