The passing the time thread!!

Aww that's wonderful. So many different ways to meet. My hubby is most definitely my best friend too. It's good. I don't know how he puts up with me though! He's the chef the cleaner the washer.... I'm the messy moo!
I met my hubby through work.

The start of our relationship was a bit tough as he is 16 years older than me and my parents really didn't approve.

We've been married for six years now and together for... erm.... I think it's 10 maybe 11 years?! Can't actually remember!Lol!!

We met online. I had just finished a truly awful relationship and my friend thought online dating would be fun, so I signed up to humour her really. He was one of the first I messaged but we didn't really hit it off for a while, then suddenly we did it was odd. I can't believe it was 9 years ago!
Hi all,
I'm 28. My husband is 30 and we have been together for 9 years, married for 2. We have a 5 year old diva, who wants to be a sister so badly!!! We have put off having a second child for a while, as we bought a house and got married, which together with the ridiculous high child care costs, meant we needed to put off having a second child for a while. We started TTC in April. I had a MC at 5 weeks in July. We weren't ready to try again right away, so we waited 1 month before TTC again and luckily fell pregnant right away.
My husband and I have known each other our whole lives. His parents live next to my Grandparents. We used to take the fence panels out in between their gardens, so me and my brothers could play with him and his brother and sister. As we grew older, his sister and I became best friends and DH and I ended up dating. Unfortunately us getting together has caused a very childish rift between his parents and my Grandparents, which got worse when we had DD and even worse when we got married. It makes trying to plan birthdays or any celebrations very difficult.
Should add. Although we have been together 14 years we will be celebrating our 1st wedding anniversary will be in may x
Hi everyone!
What a great idea for a thread!
I am 26, have been with my OH for almost 10 years. We met through mutual friends.
This is our first, so I am new to the forum.
I am a primary school teacher, and we have a week off next week which I am soo ready for.
We are so excited but wishing the weeks away till it all begins to feel real!
Hope everyone is keeping well!
me and oh are both into metal music and we met at a festival :) we still go every year but not next year as baby will be here instead lol
aw yay metal friends lol where do you live ery?
Hertfordshire. me and oh met at download festival :)
Awesome lol. I've never been to a festival we are a family of hermits lol. I even have to drag my son to the park and he just wants to come back lol I don't know why I bother lol.
hi Ladies,

im 25 my OH is 43 -bit of a gap i know but age is but a number we are like two peas in a pod!
im expecting my first child and he has one 12 year old girl from a previous relationship

we met on a dating app id just come out of a violent relationship and thought id just have some fun until i met him - my soul mate

im excited and nervous but looking forward to the future

and look forward to reading all your progression stories :) xxx

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