the odd puff>??


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2006
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As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I vowed to give up smoking, but I still have a puff of my OH fag occassionally when I feel abit peed off. Is this harming my baby?
Smoking in any shape or form is not good for you... but I kinda did the same... well I lit my hubbys ciggie and then would pass it to him.... and I got annoyed at myself for doing it. I have stopped all together now and it has been a struggle but I would try and stick to stopping if I were you.

When I was preg I used to buy some grapes and freeze them and whenever I fancied a ciggie I would suck on the frozen grape... got rid of craving and I wasn't stuffing my face with sweets instead!

Good luck hun... I know it's hard. :hug:
No one knows for sure how damaging tobacco/nicotine is on a child until the damage is done.
But, is it better for your unborn child's development and health that you don't have the odd puff of a cigarette?
The answer would have to be yes.
Be strong, you can do it :hug:
You've already come this far, as you said its only the odd puff so compared to fully giving up, thats got to be easy!
(keep telling yourself that! :hug:)
It's certainly not good for the baby, I personally don't think it is worth the risk. Keep trying, you're doing really well apart from this, I know how hard it is :hug: :hug:
Smoking in any shape or form, even if you are in a room with someone who smokes is damaging you aswell as your baby.

I gave up when I found out I was pregnant and have never looked back :) its hard I understand that but we all know its bad for us :)
Since I put that last post on I haven't touched a fag!!! And I'm finding the smell on my husbands clothes is making me gag, its wierd, but im not even craving!!! Praise me :dance: lol!!!
Good for you well done :dance: :cheer: Aren't hormones a wonderful thing :D

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