Surely 11lb in a week isn't healthy? Great for a dress size though p xxx
What did the doc say hunni? Xx
Surely 11lb in a week isn't healthy? Great for a dress size though p xxx
What did the doc say hunni? Xx
Hope the inhalors help babe xxxx
I need to exercise a lot more than I am, I was walking around the country park a lot but it's freezing at the moment xx
hey I'm starting a health eating g kick too . No junk No caffeine and limited carbs ... Il probably go mad but I've really got too loose weight ! I'm not happy with my jelly belly also having meetings this week about Ann summers and maybe Avon too . I need an outlet , the money will be nice but it's also about having a sense of doing something that isn't about hospitals or rugby
Hello can I come in?
I'm on a health kick ... 3 stone heavier than pre pregnancy
I'm using myfitnesspal ... Same username
What do we all talk about on ere then?
Can someone tell me why I'm alteady thinking about having another baby when I had the pregnancy from hell ... And 4 of the most stressful weeks of my life???
Please excuse any typos from my fat fingers!
Tapatalk madness!
2) Because Aaron is absolutely adorable!
all round feeling very snug tho evening , the girls are asleep and I'm in my fluffy dressing gown watching tv and wrapped up as its freezing out
I just stopped doing baby cakes for a fundraiser at my church on Friday, have felt sick all day really bad sorry I missed the chat, off to bed hugs to all xxxxx