The list is growing and needs to go down!


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Sep 9, 2019
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Our list is growing instead of getting smaller. I'd like to narrow it down from 6 to 4, then after the ultrasound we will go to 3, and then make a final decision at birth.

Middle name will be Rose. Last names is two syllables and starts with M.

She has a brother named Westley Ray and a sister named Ivy Grace.

If you could list a favorite or two you like and dislike that would help.

Here goes:
1. Violet Rose
2. Avery Rose
3. Scarlett Rose
4. Lydia Rose
5. Everly Rose
6. Hazel Rose
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I like Violet and Hazel the most. They’re all lovely names though!
Hazel is our top girls name at the moment. I'd go with that :)
I’d keep Hazel, Scarlett, Lydia and Violet.

Everly (a surname) and Avery (traditionally a boy’s name) stick out for me from the others. I’d cut those.
Everly Rose was one of my main choices! So pretty. Also love Lydia and Scarlett x
I’d keep Hazel, Scarlett, Lydia and Violet.

Everly (a surname) and Avery (traditionally a boy’s name) stick out for me from the others. I’d cut those.

I'd pick the same 4 for exactly the same reasons!
Such different opinions :lol:

Everly and Avery were on our girls name list so they’re my favourites.. I’m biased but I think they go best with your other children’s names, the y ending. I do love violet too though! Xx
I have an Ivy Rose, I really like Scarlett and Violet x
After much consideration, we took out Hazel, Everly, and Avery

That leaves us with Violet, Scarlett, and Lydia, we also added Edith, Anna, and Aubry to the list and they are now under consideration.

Thanks for everyone's help! If you have any input on the new names we added please share it!
I’d cut Aubrey. Again, it’s traditionally a boy’s name so I don’t feel it has any place in a classic girls name list with beauties like Edith and Lydia. I look at Aubrey on a girl and it has such a ‘modern American’ feel.

For reference I know two English Aubrey’s. One a little boy (a friend’s son) and one is my niece! It suits the boy so much better.

Have you considered Audrey? It’s the same sound but miles more traditional.

Anna is a great addition though!
I like Scarlett the best out of all the ones you have said, only thing is, if can’t really be shortened to a nick name, which might be a good or bad thing depending on you personal opinion (personally I like nick names)

I also love the name Oakley for a girl

good luck with everything xx
I like Scarlett the best out of all the ones you have said, only thing is, if can’t really be shortened to a nick name, which might be a good or bad thing depending on you personal opinion (personally I like nick names)

I guess a Scarlett could be Lettie? Though it'd probably just end up being Scar!

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