The Lexi and Lilly labour remedies thread!

You sure thats normal? lol
I didnt know braxton hix could be/should be that painful/uncomfortable?
I have no idea myself but figured as long as my bath plug is still in, baby is still inside cooking nicely lol
Ah lealea I actually feel for you, ice ha like virtually no braxton hicks in my pregnancy! And you have horrible painful ones! Poor thing. Im sure asu body hasn't had any practice I will suck in labour and you'll come out better off as you have had plenty of practice!

As for the massage down there, it doesn't sting or anything, and yeah it's pretty hard to reach. I put one leg on the toilet, and leaned over sink to reach! Haha! It's odd, and doesn't really feel right but if it stops me from tearing I'm willing to try it! Xx
21st December report :rofl: clary sage still in use at 9 drops in bath, last 2 days ive just not felt right, a little nauseous and very crampy down there. Cool!
Am trying someone elses theory (can't for the life of me remember who suggested it in my Perineal massage thread) going to try using no oil in the bath for Perineal massage today!

It's a little bit awkward but hey, if it works it works!

Am now contemplating on a tens machine for labour. Not even considered the idea! X
Im jelouse :( Lol
I feel more waddly and achey but just put that down to pregnancy. Dont feel alot differant as of yet.
Accept last night, i had my ipod in and was wiggling roud my front room, and it seriously felt like baby was going to pop out.
Another update-I actually nearly gave up with the Perineal massage and thought sod it. I find it difficult and not comfortable at all! Today I tried it lying on my bed and it was 10 times better. I used olive oil lol and as long as you fully relax it's ok. Can't say I like it at all, but if it really does help the tearing issue I'm all for it! X
Went and brought castor oil as a back up last min method (got my 4 godchildren to evacuate the womb quicker than a mini van in a hurricane lol) hopefully will get things going at 36/37 weeks.

Putting 6 drops of clary sage oil in bath....still same BH nothing fantastic happening. All I've noticed is the more I use, the more relaxed n sleepy I get.

Put some on my bump with olive oil 3 drops.......I felt like I smelt like someones gran so refused to leave the house lol

Oh gosh, I turned in to a frickin acrobat from circus du solais as I tried to do funny vajajay massage......felt weird......then my OH walked in the bathroom with a baffled look n asked why I felt the need to get myself off in the bathroom.....I explained n he looked confused as hell Loooool

Pffff, men n their random thinking aye.

I've also upped my raspberry leaf tea bags to 3 tea bags......taste quite nice. Damn shame I don't think it will put me in labour when the time comes lol
Cool lealea! Let's hope it does something.

So how does castor oil work? How do you take it?

I haven't rubbed any clary sage into my bump yet. I think I'll do that quite late on. Im gonna go ace a bath in a minute with it though! I quite enjoy it.

Last night I didn't get to sleep til 3.30 am (same as lealea by the sounds of things) and I had lots of pressure in the lower abdomen region. I actually hope my waters go in early labour! Think that wouldbe quite cool! Lol.

Still waiting for my raspberry leaf tea-we still aren't recieving any post though! So when post comes in I will hopefully get my purchase :) x
It's relaxing but I only put a Lil on the bump. Nothing to cause any BH.
Castor oil is a last last resort. Take 20/30ml of it n wait for it.
Bare in mind castor oil is a laxative so when it does kick in, u get a swift bowel movement, also causes the uterus to contract big time (I know that I'm scared as I don't want to crap myself in labour so I'm using that as a last resort so if I go into labour my bowels will b clear too). I dont like that pressure feeling, feels like my vajayjay is gonna swell up n fall out. Then when u sit down feels like u sat on a ball. Weird weird.

Add a teaspoon of sugar to the RLT as it tastes grim on it's own
23rd dec - just had my first mug of raspberry leaf tea. Its not that nice really, but bearable! I guess if it helps then I'll drink it :S x
Add sugar or honey cos it taste like garden foliage otherwise.
It's not the tastiest of herbal teas but it tones the uterus. It's good to drink afterwards too apparently as it's hoists all bk in it's rightful place Looool
Apparently RLT is only any good in the second stages of labour, and that research shows that it does nothing for you before this time?!

Plas castor oil is a big no no, can cause dehydration and places like the baby center advise you not to try it.

From 35 weeks I'll prob start the ball bouncing, pineapple eating and EPO on belly. But won't try anything before this time as I wouldn't want to risk doing damage to babe, plus hubby will tell me off! Lol She can cook as long as she wants, as long as she comes on time or a week early!!! Lol any later and we will be sharing a birthday!
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26th dec - having one mug RLT a day. It's pretty gross but half a teaspoon sugar does the trick!

Midwife said go for it with it, I fully trust her, not done any harm to anyone else that takes it so I'm full steam ahead! Also, Perineal massage is getting gradually easier - anything to prevent tearing is a good enough excuse for me!

Clary sage still in bath every day, 10 drops. Not had any braxton hicks (only ever had like 2 anyway) but none of this stuff has given me an increase or anything.

Starting to feel like a bit of an elephant, and hating it. Really want baby out at some point lol. It's very difficult isn't it?! Everything just seems that much more difficult and I'm used to beig able to do everything myself without help but I've had to learn to accept help! It sucks! Lol. I am looking forward to being able to sleep on my front again. Bring on that day.
26th dec - having one mug RLT a day. It's pretty gross but half a teaspoon sugar does the trick!

Midwife said go for it with it, I fully trust her, not done any harm to anyone else that takes it so I'm full steam ahead! Also, Perineal massage is getting gradually easier - anything to prevent tearing is a good enough excuse for me!

Clary sage still in bath every day, 10 drops. Not had any braxton hicks (only ever had like 2 anyway) but none of this stuff has given me an increase or anything.

Starting to feel like a bit of an elephant, and hating it. Really want baby out at some point lol. It's very difficult isn't it?! Everything just seems that much more difficult and I'm used to beig able to do everything myself without help but I've had to learn to accept help! It sucks! Lol. I am looking forward to being able to sleep on my front again. Bring on that day.
26th dec - having one mug RLT a day. It's pretty gross but half a teaspoon sugar does the trick!

Midwife said go for it with it, I fully trust her, not done any harm to anyone else that takes it so I'm full steam ahead! Also, Perineal massage is getting gradually easier - anything to prevent tearing is a good enough excuse for me!

Clary sage still in bath every day, 10 drops. Not had any braxton hicks (only ever had like 2 anyway) but none of this stuff has given me an increase or anything.

Starting to feel like a bit of an elephant, and hating it. Really want baby out at some point lol. It's very difficult isn't it?! Everything just seems that much more difficult and I'm used to beig able to do everything myself without help but I've had to learn to accept help! It sucks! Lol. I am looking forward to being able to sleep on my front again. Bring on that day.

It's the not bein able to lift yoursed off sofas an beds easily. Plus the old woman hips when you've been sitting too long or pushing yourself to hard. I hobble like anything... I over I'd it Christmas eve with the prep and cleaning... Stomach was constantly rock hard!

I can't wait to be able bend over and pick things of the floor without a problem!
I'm in chronic pain with my hips. Don't matter if I lay down, sit up or squat.
Getting off the bed or sofa is like a task from the krypton factor.
I want him out now, I look like I've been full term for ages lol
RLT doesn't seem to have much of an effect on me, same old Braxton hicks.
Im compleatly slacking atm!
I havent bounced on my ball now since last wednesday, havent taken any rlt tablets since friday and havent bathed in or massaged into my bump any clary sage since last wednesday.
It all seems like such effort and I cba atm! :(
I keep meaning too...but then I get comfy on the sofa and the chocolates keep telling me to eat one more and then by the time I know it its bed time and the times gone.
wahhh...faillureeee lol

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