the gender test at 6 weeks from conception


Well-Known Member
Mar 1, 2006
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am i the only one who feels a little worried about this test being so readily avalilable?

on the one hand its fabulous for unfortunate people who have gender related genetic problems, It worrys me though that some people who are desperate for whatever reason for a certain sex will abuse this test. I mean who wants to know the sex at 6 weeks?? or at all in my opinion? Is it absolutely necessary?

I know in some areas it is against hospital policy to tell the parents the sex of their baby at the scan becasue in some cultures it is expensive to have girls and its the ''done thing'' to produce male first born.

makes me wonder if the abortion rate will rise with the introduction of this test???

whats everyone elses opinion and thoughts?
I dont see a problem in the actual test i mean i would love to know from the off which sex i was having but personally wouldnt buy the test. I dont see a prblem so long as people use t correctly and not for the wrong motives such as the kind suggested earlier where women who didnt get the gender they want terminate the pregnancy ... now thats just awfull theres no excuse for that whatsoever but personally its everyones choice whether they find out the gender or not i personally loved knowing i was having a boy. I dont think id like to know from 6 weeks though, i think the earliest i would ever like to know isafter the 12 weeks scan when you know everythings as it should be
I agree...i think finding out the sex is just a bonus that couple choose to take or not.
Still indecided whether to find out mine or not...for no other reason other than i am impatient.
Personally my opinion is that living in a high muslim/ethnic area the local hospitals will not tell you the sex at ANY stage except the birth for that exact reason, but if people do want to know there are ways and means to find out and babybond and other private scan people can tell you from 16 weeks and remember its still legal to have a termination at this stage so really you cant win,
I do think at 6 weeks it is a bit early but like i said its just my person opinion.
Alfiesmummy said:
I dont see a problem in the actual test i mean i would love to know from the off which sex i was having but personally wouldnt buy the test. I dont see a prblem so long as people use t correctly and not for the wrong motives such as the kind suggested earlier where women who didnt get the gender they want terminate the pregnancy ... now thats just awfull theres no excuse for that whatsoever but personally its everyones choice whether they find out the gender or not i personally loved knowing i was having a boy. I dont think id like to know from 6 weeks though, i think the earliest i would ever like to know isafter the 12 weeks scan when you know everythings as it should be

I think youve made a very important point there, a very high percentage of pregnancies sadly end in the 1st trimester, and while a lot of women will have a sense of what gender the baby would have been, I think if I knew that early it was a boy or girl and then lose the baby....I just think it would make it worse once you attach such a vital part of identity to the baby.

As for the abortion issue, I think we might see an increase but maybe not as high as some think, anyone selfish enough to terminate a baby on grounds of gender alone is going to do it at 20 weeks anyway.

I personally believe that it is not our choice wether we have a boy or a girl, but down to nature, the fates, or God, depending on what you believe.

I can see the advantages though, as you say budge there may be perfectly reasonable situations such as male genetic diseases, plus id love to know through my pregnancy if its a boy or girl to make things easier both practically and emotionally, but certainly not as early as 6 weeks.[/b]

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