The first doctors visit


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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Hi Girls

I'm off this morning for my first visit to break the news to my GP...I've never been to the surgery except to register when we moved here so I don't know any of the doctors already, I guess I'll get to know them pretty well from now on!

I'm quite nervous today, I woke at 5.30 and haven't slept since. I think its because I will officially 'get the ball rolling' and I have no idea what to expect, this is my first pregnancy and Im a wierd mixture of nerves and excitement.

So any ideas about what I might expect in the near future? I think fear of the unknown is feeding the anxiety!

Thanks :)
Tiny it will be fine :) It will be an informal taking of details and the dr referring you to your chosen hospital. Be sure to mention any health problems you've had.

Good luck :)
m gp just referred me straight onto the mw...
Hope it all goes well
Ah thanks girls, you were right it was very quick and easy not worth the worry. I have been referred to my local midwife and she is going to ring me in the next week to arrange a home visit. I've also got a pregnancy pack full of information about how it all works with scans, blood tests ect... which is really reassuring! Some slightly scary info about how to breastfeed, change a nappy and bath a baby, which considering I am 4-5 weeks pregnant thats a bit early!
HI Tiny, I have just got that pack today too, lots of info to read, scary stuff but will be worth it in the end
Your doctors sounds way better than mine! I just got told a (Wrong) EDD and then got given the number to call the hospital and make my scan appointment xx
Oh dear Katy, that sounds like a really lonely process!!I'm in Wales, don't know if that's why its different? I am going to get a phone call from my midwife in the next week or so to arrange a home visit to fill out a massive 'booking in' form. I hope that your midwife will be getting involved soon hun.

A bit confused about some things he told me; firstly that its okay to drink 1-2 units per week, I thought alcohol was strictly no-no! Also he toldme to give up running and do cycling or swimming instead, but Im sure Ive heard that exercise is really important now... I'm going to follow his advice anyway though, I really want to do everything right. Did you guys get similar advice?
I think I can understand why he has told you to give up running, maybe try walking instead?? Different people have different views on alcohol, some say a couple of units is ok some say it is a no no, think that would be a personal choice. I don't intend to drink but that could all change when further along and had a hard day at the office!!
I was always told to continue exercising if you are used to it. ie don't go out and run 5 miles if you never have before, but if you run 5 times a week then it is healthy to keep it up. I'm not sure why he suggested cycling instead of running. I would listen to him though, as he knows your medical history best :) I'm sure cycling and swimming will be good.

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