The credit Crunch

As there are loads of good tips being posted in this and other threads I have renamed the products/ shopping section to include money saving too!

We can post tesco discount codes and cheap recipes in there :)

Hope thats OK with everyone :D
none o' y'all got a clue about spending a lot on petrol- try £35 a week! we both work in town and we live right on the outskirts 15 miles away- my boyf works mon-fri and i work sat so car does 30 miles 6 days a week- then on mondays we gotta drive 20 miles to my folks to drop off waa-waa, then 5 miles into town, on tues my boyf does the 5 miles to my folks to collect her (he finishes at 5 i finish at 6), then 5 miles back to town to pick me up, then its the 15 miles home. but we dont pay my dad for childcare so its nothing in comparison!

these cheap shops- aldi and suchlike, do they sell proper brands? coz the one time i went to one called liol or something when i first moved here, and was buzzin about how cheap it was, but the "rice krispies" i bought were not kelloggs i dont kno what they were, but they were a box of shite basically! they were like little balls of powder :puke: yuck i had to throw them away so it was false economy put me right off that shop! i might as well hav spent a bit more and got proper cereal (well, i did in the end but i'd wasted the 70p or whatever it was on the rubbish powder balls!
Suzie and Faith said:
As for fruit and veg - how are we supposed to eat a lot of it when it's expensive?

Greengrocers are cheaper than supermarkets. I only buy my fruit and veg locally now :)
I work right by Birmingham fruit and veg market so just popped down top see what all the fuss was about.......OMG!

Stanley loves avocado but I've started being stingy cause there 60-odd pence each in Tesco. I just bought 4 for 50p :shock: :cheer:

And 10 lemons for 50p! And 1lb of Pink Lady (luxury) apples for 50p!!!!

I'm converted :D
I know i havent posted in yonks but, i pay out £260 a month in petrol atm cos i work 30 mins away, Leahs nursery bill is £980 a month, morgage is 600 a month n then all bills on top of that, I dont even earn what leahs nirsery bill costs so im eating into a very large overdraft again, it sucks, if it keeps going on like this i dunno what il do :(
Tori said:
I dont even earn what leahs nirsery bill costs so im eating into a very large overdraft again, it sucks, if it keeps going on like this i dunno what il do :(

That makes no sense! unless you get some of it paid for; is there any point in you going to work :think: :think:

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