The credit Crunch

I'm ready to riot too :evil: I have started getting most of my shopping at Farmfoods and nappies at Aldi (they are actually really good) then get baby essentials from Asda. I'm taking on extra hours at work now too to try make ends meet :( and we have just got rid of one of our cars and replaced it with a motorbike to save fuel costs :wall: My husband has applied for a posting in Cyprus as the RAF pay extra to live there, we just cant afford to live here anymore :(
I'm stressing about money too. It seems there is no benefit for staying in this country! I have no idea how we are going to cope when I go on mat leave.

I did a shopping online via a website called, you put what you need in your trolley & it give you a running total of what supermarket is the cheapest for what you need. It also suggests swaps for cheap and/or healthier products. I've only done it once so far but I definatley saved money!
Sainsbury have reduced there minimum delivery from £70 down to £40. I managed to do the shopping for £51 this week so should save about £80 a month. This was a very basic shop though and will be living off mashed potato and gravy all week :( .
yeah everyones feeling it. on my days off with DS i used to go here there and everywhere with luke and money wasn't an issue, now we spend everyday pretty much at home or park so thankful for this lovely weather so we can sit in the garden and go for walks. can't afford any extra petrol, and when we go out we spend money so its cheaper to stay home. i've never really looked at the price of food but definitely looking out for all the offers on at the supermarket now.

i'm even careful when i change DS nappy! make sure it is really wet or dirty before i change it! where as before i would change it whatever!
my husband is a builder and looks like losing his job in the next couple of weeks and there is no building work to be had so we look like having to go on benifits and then god knows how we will pay our bills a debts its just such a scary time :(
Misslarue said:
house prices will continue to drop.

Thats the only good thing about. If the house prices continue to drop, we'll be able to buy our dream home! Even though we'll make a small loss when selling our house, the house we want will be reachable! :pray:
Yes everythings gone up. We tend to shop all over to keep the food bill down. We spend around £65 per week for all 4 of us :) But I use reusable nappies and wipes
I don't know what I'm gonna do with the boys all summer. I wanted to take them out to loads of different places but it's so expensive to do anything or go anywhere now.

It's awful when you feel like you can't give your kids the best. We manage but we've had to change our spending habits. Alot of the stuff we get now is value or the cheaper brands.

But it doesn't look like it's gonna change anytime soon so we just try to get on with it & make the best of a bad situation :)
ShineyHappyPeople said:
Misslarue said:
house prices will continue to drop.

Thats the only good thing about. If the house prices continue to drop, we'll be able to buy our dream home! Even though we'll make a small loss when selling our house, the house we want will be reachable! :pray:

its great , house prices drop but first time buyers still cant buy cos we cant get a mortgage :rotfl: :cry: its not funny really, i really want to buy somehwre instead of 800 a month on rent :wall:
Its taking the piss now tbh, i only work 3 days a week tops at night because gal is working in the day. It looks like i will have to start working more which means me and gal will have no time together and no time as a family, when the hell are we gonna get wages that mean we are able to aford to live eh, its ridiculous :wall:
ugh honestly its so depressing i popped into tesco yesterday to get a couple of bits..some bread, milk and
stuff for Hayden like bananas etc..i only had about 6 items and it came to £15 i used to get bits like this in between a big shop
all the time and it would cost £8 max...
I don't drive so the petrol thing isn't getting me but i got a cab literally 10 mins down the road should have cost a fiver at the most but it was a tenner!! :shock: i was shocked! it is seriously getting to me now, my gas n electric is fooking extortionate!!
God yeh it's awful - d'ya know how much I spent in the supermarket the other day? £156!! and that was after using EIGHT healthy start vouchers!
I dont go near big supermarkets because I will end up spending too much. We always do it online and I stick to £30 a week this week we have just managed to get enough for meals and breakfast but I havent got anything like cheese or eggs or treat type stuff because by the time I had got enough to feed us in the evenings for a week we had gone over the £30. I also have to drive to work everyday I live in the middle of nowhere so dont have any choice £20 of fuel used to last a week and a bit now its only just enough to last a week and thats not using the car on my days off.

I know we will be okay at the end of the day all that matters is that me, my boyfriend and our babys healthy and happy with whatever we can afford and can afford the rent to keep a roof over our heads. I guess its just living within your means which is something I can do because I haven't had chance to ever go into debt. But I feel sorry for anyone with a mortgage or debts it must be really scary for yous :hug:
lol lets get our wheelbarrows polished so in a month or so when we pop out for bread and milk we got something to carry our £50 notes in :lol:

i no its not funny really, but if we dont laugh we will cry! we were gonna hav another holiday in september but we're not going anymore :(
Xena said:
God yeh it's awful - d'ya know how much I spent in the supermarket the other day? £156!! and that was after using EIGHT healthy start vouchers!

That is my weekly shop. I have 2 adults, an 18 month old, 2 cats and a dog. We don't eat fancy foods, but I do like fresh stuff i.e nothing convenience/processed. I make most of our dinners. My shop used to be about £120 a week, it's now £160 :shock:
nickilubs said:
I dont go near big supermarkets because I will end up spending too much. We always do it online and I stick to £30 a week this week we have just managed to get enough for meals and breakfast

I shop online too. Seriously how do you spend only £30 a week on 3 of you??
I would appreciate any tips! :) :D
Misslarue said:
nickilubs said:
I dont go near big supermarkets because I will end up spending too much. We always do it online and I stick to £30 a week this week we have just managed to get enough for meals and breakfast

I shop online too. Seriously how do you spend only £30 a week on 3 of you??
I would appreciate any tips! :) :D

LOL babys not here yet when she arrives shes only having breast milk till shes 18 coz its free :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl:
:rotfl: :rotfl:
Sorry hun I misread!
Still, £30 on 2 adults (one pregnant) is bloody good! :lol:
we should have a sticky for food bargains - my bargain of the week was in morrisons - 6 pack of muller corners, £2.80 or 2 for £2 :cheer:
We just spent £60 on this weeks shopping................Thing is we got no bloody food :shock:

Were not feeling it to bad at the min, our rent is cheaper than our mortgage was, We have reduced our mobile bills (OH was £100 per month and now £35) at present Gas & Electric is £60 p/m - even if it double we can cover that - at worst we will bin of the Net & Sky & Landline as that would save £50 p/m. Petrol is the killer OH works about 40 min drive used to cost him £15 a week petrol now is £25 but still cheaper than the train! I cant get bus to work as a) its 2 buses, one in to town interchage and one up to work but as I work shifts and sometimes get to go home at 4am for example its not viable but going in to the interchange on my own is not very safe as its full of druggies and louts sleeping off the beer!

We did a shop a few weeks ago for the BBQ at farm foods and Aldi and we got double the product for the same price at Asda! things like fruit and veg is only like 10p cheaper but if you get alot it all adds up....take your own bags though as aldi charge you for them - OH made us carry stuff out in our arms :rotfl:

At the moment OT is still available for me and I get £200 a shift so while OH has a go at me for it and moans its only about 3/4 days extra a month then the money is going in to an account, if we need it its their if we dont, it will be house deposit!

Oh Nappies, Asda have Pampers 2 for £20 (74 nappies per box in size so 158 for £20) or huggies for £10 a box (175 nappies per box) we got 2 x huggies as will last us a while!

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