The consultant has recommended I have an epidural!

lea m

Well-Known Member
Mar 3, 2008
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Feel quite relieved now lol! I was still pretty indecisive about pain relief! Was thinking of an epi but then decided just to try a water birth, then couldn't decide whether to just try G&A as I didn't want diamorphine again and the pool was in the section of the hospital where I would be sent home after 6 hours! Something Im not prepared to do lol!
Basically I cant open my mouth more than a couple of cm! The disks in both sides of my jaw have come out of place (I don't even know how) and need an op but got my appointment through days after my BFP! The consultant is concerned that if the worst should happen, and they have to give me a general anaesthetic, they wouldn't get the breathing tube in my mouth! Especially as they only just managed it the last time I had a general (over my jaw) and they only just got it in ok and now my mouth is slightly more closed! :(
So yeh helps me make up my mind! lol She also wrote in 3 different places on my notes and asked me to write it in my birth plan that I have been recommended for an epi and need to see the anaesthetist on admission! Kinda made it all sound like its not too long off lol! Im so excited now to be going in! :dance: Cant wait for them pains! (especially as Im in so much pain all the time that labour pains will come such a relief! Knowing all the pain will stop within hours instead of weeks! LOL)
Well at least that is one thing off your mind, its all those smaller things that make us worry and then they seem like big things. :hug:
That'll be a relief for you to know at least one aspect of labour is decided! Now you just have to wait for the when!
glad you got things sorted hun 1 less thing to worry about :hug: xxxxxxx
thats one less thing you have to worry about now as you know what pain relief your going for :D
Thankfully you know what pain relief you'll be having,so you have one less thing to worry about. Take it easy hun! xxx

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