First time round i couldn't bear telling people i cant describe why, i messaged even very close family but that was actually a killer as i had to wait for responses 😂.
Anyway this time i have an idea but i actually don't know if people will eye roll at the cheesiness. I've already been working on it and its only for family, dont think I'd put it on social media.
Basically I've been teaching my 14 month old to point at my belly when i say Wheres the baby? So he usually pulls my t-shirt up and points but sometimes he gets excited and like hits my belly and chatters etc so i was going to use the best one where when he points to my belly maybe have the video flash up a scan picture and then have a whole lot of bloopers at the end including when he pointed to his dads belly instead. But i can't bear the thought of it being too cheesy and making people eye roll? I wanted to go for funny... If i just put him in a big brother tshirt i honestly think they might not notice 😂
Most of my family are far away so it was to be sent via whatsapp to them.
What do you think re cheesiness? Are you doing anything?
The mosy annoying thing is 2 lots of family will have just visited ... One of them leaves the day beforw my scan which is tuesday!!!
Id love to hear what if anyrhing you are doing? And where you stand on the cheesinessometer
Anyway this time i have an idea but i actually don't know if people will eye roll at the cheesiness. I've already been working on it and its only for family, dont think I'd put it on social media.
Basically I've been teaching my 14 month old to point at my belly when i say Wheres the baby? So he usually pulls my t-shirt up and points but sometimes he gets excited and like hits my belly and chatters etc so i was going to use the best one where when he points to my belly maybe have the video flash up a scan picture and then have a whole lot of bloopers at the end including when he pointed to his dads belly instead. But i can't bear the thought of it being too cheesy and making people eye roll? I wanted to go for funny... If i just put him in a big brother tshirt i honestly think they might not notice 😂
Most of my family are far away so it was to be sent via whatsapp to them.
What do you think re cheesiness? Are you doing anything?
The mosy annoying thing is 2 lots of family will have just visited ... One of them leaves the day beforw my scan which is tuesday!!!
Id love to hear what if anyrhing you are doing? And where you stand on the cheesinessometer