The brightside..


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2007
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Ok so we all would love a bfp this month but its not going to happen for some of us just yet, hopefully next month though!!

So name something GOOD about not having a bfp this month.. come on.. it will make you feel better!

I'll start:
1. Looking forward to a big fat glass of wine the night af comes (just cos I can really although not a major fan of wine lol)

2. We won't be having a January baby

3. I have another month of pregnancy vitamins ahead of me to make me even healthier for it happens

Ok, im clutching at straws with the last one but just trying to look at the positive side :dance:
I obviously have my bfp but just want to dive in;

1)you can eat whatever you want without wondering if it's 'safe'

2)you can wear your favourite dress/skirt/jeans and feel wonderful in them

3)you can enjoy the sauna/steam room at the gym

Good luck everyone TTC!!!
•I know my cycle is bang on 28 days
•I don't have to telly mum she's gonna have 2 start knotting again
•I can get bd every other day for the next fortnight
•I won't have to give away the 20 hpt that r upstairs waitin to b peed on lol
•I know my cycle is bang on 28 days
•I don't have to telly mum she's gonna have 2 start knotting again
•I can get bd every other day for the next fortnight
•I won't have to give away the 20 hpt that r upstairs waitin to b peed on lol

haha I like that last one
Eating sushi! I love sushi. How do japanese women survive pregnancy if they are not allowed raw fish?
Mayonnaise, my sister in law insisted on homemade mayonnaise when she was pregnant, that will be stressful.
Hopping in and out of the bath. Bath time is my favourite thing, but i can imagine it being really difficult once preggers and massive!
I dont have to put up with my mother in law telling me what I'm doing wrong!
It gives me anothe rmonth to loose some pounds before I start gaining them!! lol

Great idea Pink Punch!

1) I don't need to buy some new cheepo bras from asda to house my big momma boobies
2) I don't need to spend friday night with the calculator, dividing my debt into 40 weeks ! (when it will never go!)
3) I can lick out the cake bowl after making muffins without having to pass it straight on to the kids!
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I can try my mooncup - and I love it already!
I get to use pre seed next time round and see if it helps!
I won't have a little tummy on the beach in June
I have more chance of a special valentines baby if I concieve this cycle
oooh just thought of another good one

OH and I grow closer and closer to each other each failed cycle (been the surprise of my jpurney so far!)
Hee hee actually pregnant but these are the things i miss ....

Being able to poo without the help of laxatives and not having to worry about piles

Being able to go to the supermarket without being sick at the smell/sight of food

Being able to play with my gorgeous son without having to collapse onto the sofa from either exhaustion, sickness or general discomfort!

Having the energy to have sex

eating pate!!


Being able to eat peanut butter on toast for brekkie evey morning aswell as a big mug of coffee!!
BDing ALOT!! hee hee
Having a baby on my birthday is getting closer (March 10th - i'd love to share my birthday with my bubba!)

However a BFP in a few weeks time is what I want the most!! lol

1. having a glass of wine - as i am now lol
2. bding more/ bding without a bump in the way!
3. being able to fit into my clothes - my stomach was huge when i was pregnant
4. not being babied by the in laws
5. walking properly - i was walking like a duck :lol:
6. being able to sleep comfortable in the bed
1. having a glass of wine - as i am now lol
2. bding more/ bding without a bump in the way!
3. being able to fit into my clothes - my stomach was huge when i was pregnant
4. not being babied by the in laws
5. walking properly - i was walking like a duck :lol:
6. being able to sleep comfortable in the bed

oh yeah sleeping was awful for me when I was pregnant. I had to use about 7 pillows so I was practically sitting up straight when sleeping!!
1. That large glass of wine for sure!
2. Going to Alton Towers the week after next
3. Antihistamines (boooo to hayfever!)
4. Getting a bfp on our 1 year anniversary in June

Great post, I'm pleased that I can go out with the girls and have a drink without having to hide anything from them and eat runny fried eggs!
Great post!! Mine are:

If I get a BFN this month but conceive next month then bubba would be due on my 30th birthday...
Being able to have a drink with my brother on his birthday this month...
Lots of bd'ing!!
It was good that I didnt get a bfp last week as I means I have another chance to get my body back into shape.
Gives me more time to stop smoking as i only started my patches yesterday
Spend time with DD without feeling tired
When AF comes it gives me an excuse for being such a cow lol
A nice big glass of vodka and coke and enjoying a hot bath

I fell better already lol

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