tangerinedream said:OMFG Brian doesnt know who shakespeare is
hmmmm do you think he was serious or is he doing a bit of play acting & playing up to the whole dumb acting essex boy thing?
tangerinedream said:OMFG Brian doesnt know who shakespeare is
mama2b said:i cant beileve he got a hard on ova charley he didnt even touch her
Becks&Riley said:I didnt really see it b4 but wasnt seany n laura messin bout brian sayin they were really poor in wales and wernt allowed toilets? n he believed all that? or was that true i wasnt really watching
glitzyglamgirl said:Im not sure if he really is that dense or its an act, either way I thik he's quite sweet - or atleast I did until hes creepy little monologue lastnight
Brian - Then I would caress ya tits
Charly - Whats that mean?
evemarie8 said:If Brian really is stupid enough to believe that there is no electricity in Wales and he really doesn't know who Shakespeare is (or anything about Romeo & Juliette) doesn't that say alot about the education system in this country!!
Robyn_ said:well didnt they do tht once as i game show.
they had to stay awake aslong as possible. to win a ceratin anmout onf money?
is this what they are doing ni the house?