I dont know if you saw my moaning thread about the silly ebay seller... well basically I won a Quinny Zapp on ebay, I wanted it quickly so instead of sending my usual cheques, my big brother let me use his paypal (as I dont have it)...
Well today I called him and said that he needs to give me his bank details so I can transfer the money to pay him back.... he then said....
"well, I was thinking, if it is ok with you, can that be my gift to Arianna for her Christmas?"
Errrr..... let me think.... YES!!!
He said it would save him going shopping as he never knows what to get (he is 37yrs old and is currently single so has no girlys to help him shop
I am so happy!!!!!
My big bro is the best!
Well today I called him and said that he needs to give me his bank details so I can transfer the money to pay him back.... he then said....
"well, I was thinking, if it is ok with you, can that be my gift to Arianna for her Christmas?"

He said it would save him going shopping as he never knows what to get (he is 37yrs old and is currently single so has no girlys to help him shop

I am so happy!!!!!