The 4pm Watershed.......


Well-Known Member
Jun 11, 2007
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By this stage I'm really not on this planet - I just want to close my eyes and be transported home....but I have another hour at work and then an hour commuting and I'm filled with dread at the 100s of stairs I have to conquer at Walthamstow tube station.....arghhhhhhhhhhh

Any miracle ideas, apart from drugs, to inject a little end-of-the-day energy?
I know those Walthamstow steps, :D

How about eating a banana for some slow release energy or a bar of chocolate for a quick burst?
Banana sounds like a good idea I usually have one before the school run (the wind whistles across that playground and I feel so groggy by about 3pm)

My fella commutes into London - he leaves the house at 6.30am and gets back at 6pm. His work is quite flexible so he gets to his desk early and leaves early which means he misses much of the rush hour. How flexible is the company you work for? Could you change your hours to suit how you're feeling now and use your more productive hours in the day?

After I had my son I swore I'd never go back to working in an office again - I know what you're going through!

Thank you :)

I've just had a pear so hopefully that will propel me home!

I've been thinking about the flexi working thing and I'm definitely going to ask about it but will probably wait til later when bump becomes heavy and 3rd tri exhaustion sets in..... xx
Oh god, this is the worst part of my day too. Getting home is such a chore and it's always so bloody busy! The joys of living in London eh!

A x
I think there should be a carriage on each tube train just for pregnant ladies! Sick of standing on the train with a big obvious bump, and going green from dizziness while the Liverpool St Trader types in their pinstripe suits pretend to ignore us and read the financial times!!!!!!!!!! Grrrrrrrrrr! (I feel your pain!) xx

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