The 4 of us!


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Feb 13, 2010
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15th October 2010;
9.00 pm. I had mixed Clary Sage oil with a carrier oil and massaged it into my bump just before bed time. I was dubious as to whether it would do anything but I was 2 days over due and intensely fed up so was prepared to try anything. Although surprisingly I had spent the last two days very upbeat and laughing a lot and just enjoying time spent with OH and DD.

11.30 pm. I was lying in bed when I rolled over onto my side and felt a popping sensation very low in my back. I sat up and a small gush of water followed. Immediatly I felt my first contraction and got ridiculously excited! I knew I should try to sleep but I just couldn't do it! OH ran me a bath and set up the candles and oil burner in the bedroom. Every contraction I felt made me feel like I needed to wee so I was going to the bathroom every 10 minutes. On one of these trips I'd just got into the bathroom when another gush of water occurred, I knew it wasn't wee as I couldn't stop it from happening but I wasn't entirely convinced it was my waters either!

16th October 2010;
2.00 am. I phoned the hospital as it said in my notes to call them if you think your waters have gone. They asked me to come in as no one was available to come to me (I was hoping for a home birth). We phoned MIL and woke DD up. We gathered her bag and my bags and tripped off to the hospital. The short version is I was examined, told I hadn't lost my waters, was only 2 cm and sent home at 4.00 am. I was told you are only in labour when the contractions are every 2-3 minutes all the time.

9.00 am. Once we got home at 4 I tried to sleep. My contractions were getting stronger and were fluctuating between every 7, 10 and 4 minutes. I was using breathing techniques and popping in the bath now and again. At 8.00 am they were getting very very painful but I was still coping, using my OH to lean on and he was brilliant! The contractions still weren't regular but by 9.00 am they were starting to make me feel sick. I still felt in control and that I was coping well. At 9.30 am though I decided I wanted extra pain relief (entonox) and phoned hospital. We were told that there was still no one available to come to us so we phoned MIL again and she turned up at 10.00 am!!!!

10.00 am. We were back on the way to the hospital. It felt like the longest car journey of my life! I was very much in pain and halfway to the hospital I knew I was going to be sick. I tried to wind the manual (why couldn't they have been electric?!) window down! I couldn't do it fast enough and eventually just forced my head out of the window and chucked! MIL pulled over and I threw open the door and carried on! What I didn't know at the time was that when I'd first started being sick, because we were still moving, it blew back into the car-straight into my OH's face! Lmao!

10.25 am. I was admitted to hospital and shown to a lovely room. I was examined and told I was 8 cm! I could of kissed the midwife! I very nearly thanked her! Lol! I was given the entonox and enjoyed two contractions on it. During those two contractions the midwife was monitoring baby's heart rate and on both contractions it dipped really low. They took the entonox off me and whisked me, bed and all, to the high dependancy unit. There I transferred to another bed, had one more puff of entonox and then a desire to push. I was examined again and I was 10 cm. By this time there was 6 midwives (the 2 from low dependancy plus 4 from high dependancy), a doctor in scrubs and a paediatrician. I started pushing and 3 minutes and 48 seconds later at 10.49 am my gorgeous boy was born! He was a horrific blue colour and didn't cry! I was terrified as to why he wasn't crying! The paediatrician whisked him into a corner and suddenly I heard him cry! I whisked my top off and accepted him for skin to skin! My OH watched my baby arrive and was in tears of happiness! He says it was the most amazing experience ever! I have been in love with Sebastian Alexander ever since!

Amazing!! I got goose bumps reading this. LMAO of spewing on your OH tho :lol:
He's beautiful, congratulations xx
Thanks honey x will hopefully remember to update as things happen daily! Lol x forgot to put he weighed 8lb!!!!
awww congratulations, he is sooo cute!!!

well done with the birth and coping so well, i hope i can!

16th October 2010

11am DD, mil, fil and OH's niece arrive. DD immediatly hovers over Seb and we could see she was itching to hold him. We say her down and helped her to hold him and she was so excited and happy! Everyone had a cuddle except our niece as she's not really very 'baby' interested. It was so wonderful having all four of us together in one room! I couldn't wait to get home! They all left at 12.00 and we settled back down.

2pm I decided that I wanted a bath. The bathroom was a massive wetroom with a huge corner bath in it. I ran the bath and then got in. OH held Seb and stood at the door talking to me. Within seconds of me getting in the bath the water was deep red and OH went to get the midwife. She said they'd keep an eye on me and I lay back down on my bed. Suddenly I felt I had to get up. I stood up and blood and tissue just soaked through my pad and knickers and all over the floor. oH looked like he was going to faint and he went to get the mw. I was laid back down and they felt my uterus which wasn't contracting like it should. In all I lost 700mls of blood all at once! I was given an injection of ergometrine to make my uterus contract. Omg that stuff stings going in!!!! Because of that injection I had to stay in over night! Grrrrr!

17th October 2010

9am I had spent all night cuddling and looking at my gorgeous little boy! I couldn't believe he was here at last! I couldn't wait to go home but loads of people had been admitted and the midwives were really busy! Now it was getting down to it I was a bit nervous about going home! I had been enjoying my time with my son and was a bit worried about how to cope with DD as well! I needent have worried! Lol.

12pm finally I get discharged and Seb gets his first trip in a car! Which he sleeps through! Once home I relax in the couch with him snuggled in my arms and we crack open the veuve cliqout we'd bought for the occasion! Delicious!

9pm. Our first night at home was going well! OH had brought up the Moses basket in the vain hope that Seb'd go in it! Not bloody likely! He slept with me in our bed with a sheet on. It's the most amazing feeling in the world having this new life snuggled next to you. OH came to bed and was determined not to sleep! Within 5 minutes he was sleeping and I was still watching our son! That night I managed to feed Seb, change his nappy and move around in bed without OH waking once! A sign of bedtimes to come! Should I have been pissed off? Maybe but I couldn't care less! Every minute I had to feed or change Srb myself was another minute I had with him! OH felt so guilty the next day! I explained that I didn't mind though as he enjoys helping me by doing the practical things like making up bottles and making dinner for us! I feel so lucky to have our family!
19th October 2010

Well we've survived the first three days! Think I'm still high on adrenaline as the night feeds don't bother me and I'm still buzzing! DD is obsessed with Seb! She's really helpful but we'll see how long it lasts! Today is supposed to be the start of the 'third day blues' but no sign just yet! I keep looking at Sebastian and I'm still absolutely amazed he's here! He's such a good baby, the same temprement as DD thank goodness! I was reading some of the leaflets I was sent home with and they make me laugh! One says 'stay in your pyjamas, have loads of skin to skin and just take this time to bond with your baby. Don't worry about the chores.' well this week I've already seen a midwife, will have maternity care assistant visit and another midwife visit so when exactly do they expect me to get chance to stay in my pyjamas or get naked to have skin to skin during the day?!! We both get loads of skin to skin in at night though! OH is great, doing all the practical stuff so I can focus on Seb! I'm planning on going to pick DD up from school today as I feel brilliant! Im going to carry him in my moby sling which I'm really looking forward to! My body is almost completely back to normal and I'm pulling out all my regular clothes! So happy to be back in 'normal' clothes again! Whoooop!

20th October 2010

Well I managed the school run yesterday! Everyone was cooing over Sebastian! He's so gorgeous! They all say how handsome, gorgeous and what a great colour he is (which I personally find a little strange-what colour do they expect him to be?!) so I'm a very proud mummy! The blues hit a little last night as I felt really upset and guilty that I hadn't attempted breast feeding. It got to the point that I was in tears about it and OH buggered off upstairs! When he came back down he took Seb off me and told me to have a bath. He'd only run me a bath and lit it with candles and put in lavender oil! I was so emotional! Bless him! I'm so lucky! Feeling much better this morning so hope the 'blues' have been and gone! We're planning on taking Seb to church on Sunday! OH popped down to morning prayer yesterday to thank the vicar for their prayers (he'd led a prayer the Friday I went into labour!) and mentioned we might be down in Sunday! I'm actually very excited! Seb seems to be growing at an amazing pace! Wish he'd slow down! I love this newborn phase and it's so short! Shush don't tell anyone but I'm really broody! I swore no more children but hmmmmmmm maybe, just maybe!

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