The 2 week wait - how to forget????


Well-Known Member
May 18, 2011
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Hi, I am new to this forum but wanted to chat and share with others going through the same thing!
The frustrating 2 week wait for your period is driving me nuts and i know as the saying goes ' a watched pot doesn't boil, like a watched phone doesn't ring'. I can't stop thinking about it and looking for signs that aren't really there that i'm pregnant! Any tips on how you forget??
I was sure i was, but ive just got my period - wishful thinking on overdrive!! So will need to go through that 2 weeks again soon. Please help! :wall2:
The person who figures out how to make us forget will make a fortune lol xxxx
yes i guess so! silly question eh? How long have you been TTC for? xx
since last october I got a bfp in march but had a MC the end of April. how about you? x
Since last August - fell 1st try , but had MC in November. Fell 1st try with my son too, who has just turned two. So not used to the disappointment of it not happening 1st time - its so horrible!Im sure the MC makes you anxious. Do you have any other children? xx
Hey Corinne

Nice to meet you... come and join us in the TTC part of the website (rather than forum support) if you're not there already :)

The only way I have found to while away the 2ww time is I watch CSI for hours on end, esp at the weekends. There seem to be lots of episodes. Low-energy but, hey, time passes and you're not thinking about "what if..." if your mind is engaged :)
Nice to meet you too tinselcat!

Ummn not sure how to work my way round this thing yet, and get to the TTC part of the website (as yes thats where i should be). Will have a look. x

Will be great to join you in the dreaded 2ww.

Yes true need to keep my mind busy with other things!! xxx
Heya Corinne

You've probably already found these links but it took me a couple of weeks to work out how to navigate the site!

These ones are great: (and you don't need to be in the 2ww to post in either!! which I didn't twig at first...:D )

and also on the top right-hand corner of each page is "Unread posts" which gives you a list of updated threads since the last time you looked! :)

Sorry to hear about your MC :( :hug:

Look forward to seeing you around, esp in the 2ww!! xx
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