I had a few whiskeys the day we found out we were pregnant with Isaac, before I knew obviously, but haven't had a drink since, not a sip, daren't, I sometimes miss it Enjoy your tipple katyk because it could be many, many months before you can enjoy another
I carry on as normal during the two week wait which means that if I want a drink every now and again I will have one - or maybe more...well, definitely more....
As Monster Munch said it really is a stressful enough time so as long as you aren't getting yourself into such a state that you are making yourself ill...and just be sure to drink plenty of water etc to keep yourself hydrated as when you are dehydrated the first organs to shut down are your reproductive organs as they are the least necessary for your own bodys self preservation.
i drank in the 2ww as i wasnt even really trying that month
and i am ashamed to say but i have had 1 small wkd since then i no but i went out with family that i dint want guessing im pg so i had 1 then said it was to gassy as i wasnt well and stuck to soft drinks. could tell them i was on anti b's as they no i dont take meds like that
manda xx
I was out to dinner with hubby the night before my positive and we had a pint before dinner and we shared a bottle of wine with our food. I did an early test the next day at 11dpo and got a very dark line so I was drinking when I was definitly pregnant and do feel bad but obviously haven't touched a drop since.
i got pg by accident and used 2 take drugs, even while pregnant b4 i found out (then i stopped of course!) i might just be very lucky 2 hav a healthy baby but im sure 1 or 2 drinks is nothing 2 beat urself up over.
good luck btw hope u get bfp
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