I think you can get male and female fertility tests online, search Goggle for them....
Seriously though Jen I would wait a few months before the need fo these tests, I think they are expensive and I know my OH didnt like the thought of testing his fertility-I think men take it personally if you want to test him! They are sensetive little creatures our men!!
Your doctor will refer you for tests but I think they recommend you have been trying for 18 months-2 years.
I know how frustrating it is TTCing, we all know how you feel-its taken me 18 months and it put a huge strain on both OH and me towards the end-we were both frustrated and scared there was something wrong
Have you tried ovulation testing? I did them for about 3 cycles beforemy BFP-Asdas own are good and not dead expensive...They helped pin down my most fertile time and I swear they helped me get my BFP
Importantly try and relax about the whole thing-I know its easier said than done as it consumes every waking minute when you want a baby so much-I was the worlds worse!!
The month we concieved we went on holiday, and I honestly relaxed for the first time in ages, didnt think about baby sex-but we just enjoyed making love when we wanted in a relaxed atmosphere and BINGO-BFP!!!
Good luck sweetie-I hope I dont sound like I am being insensitive but I really think a few months more before you consider testing your
Sending baby dust your way xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
(and to you all TTCing xxxxxx