tested this morning and....................


Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2007
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its a BFN but....
the asda tests i used you need to have 20mls of the hormone in your body which is quite high aint it so bloke is buying me a clearblue tonight so i can do that tomorrow
so dont stop praying for me yet as still no sign of af and keep getting cramps in my belly not low enough for af
manda x
Best of luck chick, it aint over yet. :pray:

Btw - try and get a clearblue digital cos that seems to be lucky this week!

yer thats what ive sent him for lol im just really hoping i am even if it means i cant party for my 21st on monday in stile it will still be great
manda x
*Chucks a bag load of baby dust over Manda*

Still praying for you hon!! :pray: :pray: :pray:
Good luck, a BFP would be a great birthday prezzie for you, got my fingers crossed :hug: :cheer:
it aint over til the witch shows manda... good luck this weekend.. will be keeping an eye out for your result :pray:
thanks everyone i keep getting a bad stabing pain in my belly though quite high by my ribs dont no what it could be
oh and even better new i move house 4pm tomorrow woohoo all papers have been signed we just gotta pick the keys up so im gonna be in a mad rush tonight to pack the rest of my stuff
thanks again
manda x
best of luck Manda I'm keeping everything crossed for you.
:( hope it was just too early to detect. Keep us updated when you test again good luck :hug:

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