Terrified mum


Well-Known Member
Feb 19, 2010
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Hi ladies and congratulations to you all.
I have two beautiful children who are everything to me (they are 9&5), my husband and I always wanted another baby and after trying we got pregnant, I had an early scan at 10 weeks and everything was fine, I had very bad sickness and ended up on a drip in hospital for 3 days but we was still very excited. At our 12 week scan (but i was 13 weeks by the time the NHS appointment came) because I had a scan at 10 weeks and everything was fine we decided to take our two children, the scan ended up a disaster, the baby had died one week beforehand. It was just awful and we said we would never put ourselves through that again. Two years on and I was wanting another baby more and more, my husband was too scared to try again but after long hard chats we decided to give it one last try (we are 38&40) so it was now or never. I found out I was pregnant on Sunday and I really want to be excited but too scared to get my hopes up. My husband and I have decided to tell no one until after our 12 week scan apart from our closest friend.
Every time I have wee I check for blood but then panic because I had no blood last time. I keep feeling my boobs to check they are still tender and panic when they feel ok. I just wish I had a garantee that everything will be fine. It's such a scary time xxxxxx
Hi My kids are the same ages as yours. We've had 2 losses this year the first one the kids knew about and took it hard when we lost it the second one they have no idea about. I'm now 5 weeks pregnant again and I'm so scared!!! Every little twinge sets me off and I have to go check. I'm so red raw from wiping so much just to check. I felt really sick all of last week and that is not as bad now. My OH has to keep reminding me that I hardly felt sick with our first I was 9 weeks preg before I even decided I should take a test. With our second I was never sick with her either. We are having an early scan next week which I think my doc is hoping will calm our nerves but I know if we had the same scan with our last one there would have been a heartbeat since it passed at 8 weeks. I think if I can get to 9 weeks without any sort of spotting be it red, brown or pink I will relax a little. The fear for me is huge and I don't look forward too far.
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i know how u feel i had 2 mmcs in a yr and the last one devastated me as i seen a hb at a 7 week scan but at 10 weeks scan it was all over baby had stopped growing at 7-8 weeks i am 39 and oh is 43 its been 7 weeks since my loss and we are trying again i feel so overwelmed for the need for another baby its breaking my heart,im hoping i fall quikly due to my age i know the risk goes very high over 40 and i am 40 in september i am realy scared that it will all go wrong again but i cannot dwell on this its no gd what will be will be and worrying about it all the time will just make things worse, take each day at a time and i have everything crossed all will be ok for you and also for u liz and hopefully i wont be far behind yas :) xxxxxxxxx
I had a similar situation in that I had a MMC at 10 weeks in Nov '10, then got pregnant again in the Feb. Was terrified something would go wrong again and even went out and bought bumper packs of white knickers so I could check for any spotting! BUT chances of it happening a second time round are rare, I went on to have a healthy pregnancy and a perfect little baby girl. It is so hard but you get to a point where you think, I can't worry about this anymore, "what will be will be" and worrying will not change anything. Once you get that 12 week scan out of the way you will feel better, in the meantime try and keep busy so you don't focus on worrying too much and have faith as I'm sure that all will be well this time round x x
I know the feeling. I had a mc last year at 6 weeks. I am now almost 5 weeks pregnant. I am worrying all the time. Keep going to the loo all the thru the night even checking for blood. It takes over ur life. To top it all my bf left me so I have nobody to even discuss it with. Just trying to get thru each day at a time atm!

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