Terrible twos at 1


Well-Known Member
Sep 27, 2006
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My child has become the naughtiest child in the world!!!! He does everything you tell him not to do, he climbs everything he shouldnt climb, he hurts the kitten a lot and throws things everywhere when i have just tidied up, he screams when anyone leaves the room and makes the loudest noises when he is in his highchair. He throws his food all over the place and milk and juice get squirted everywhere, he tries everything to try and destroy the tv, turns the dvd player on and off while your trying to watch something, goes in cupboards and throws everything out of them and tries to break every computer in the house.

He can be a lovely little angel for 5/10 minutes a day but the majority of the time he is just so naughty. When we tell him off he laughs at us. Tried tapping his hand and that doesnt work cause he then walks around slapping himself. I am unsure what i can do to stop him doing the dangerous and naughty things.

Help please :(

sorry no help, Matilda is EXACTLY the same, and does she scream if i wont give her what she wants! I now put her down and walk away from her whilst she's screaming for no reason, though she follows me :roll:

with her food, if she starts throwing it i now take it away and then try after a few minutes again, if she carries i tell her that i'm going to take it away if she carries on, if she dosnt stop then i throw it away, sounds wicked dosnt it, but it's beginning to work!

all i can say is you're not alone, but its bloody frustrating
It is frustrating. I will give that what you do about the throwing the food a go though. Thanks :D
Isaac can have grumpy (to put it mildly) moments, and sometimes its hard to not say no, no, stop, don't etc but mostly I've found ignoring it is the best way (although I then get told by OH I'm not disciplinging properly) personally I've found we;re ALL happier if I praise the good and ignore the bad and Isaac DOES know what is right and wrong anyway, so I don't think its a case of not disciplining him by doing it that way, plus if I'm BF'ing, I can't get up to move him, stop him etc so having control with words is a powerful tool.

Very best wishes with him, food wise I would give him little at a time instead of a full plate, if he climbs something he shouldn't, pick him up and put him back on the floor but don't say anything else past a firm 'No!' Tidy up AFTER he goes to bed :wink: Try to spend more time with him with your kitten, help him to feel as though he needs to care for it, maybe buy him a special book about kittens, let him go out and choose something, a toy for it.

I sometimes get screamed at for leaving the room, or using the bathroom (it has a baby gate on it, Isaac loves toilets/water :roll: ) again, ignore it, if he gets attention for it he'll just do it again in most cases. I can't help with the TV/DVD thing, I wish they'd not put buttons on the front of electrical items :lol: But to me its just them saying look at me not the TV, and so just leave it off for a while, talk/play with him, then put it back on when everyone's happy.

That's MY advice, its not fool proof by any means but it someitmes works for us :D
Very very best wishes :hug: :hug: :hug:
Thank you :)

I do ignore him where possible and when he is climbing i move him, but he runs back giggling. With the food, we usually give him bits to eat while we are eating and then when one of us is finished we feed him till he starts grabbing for the spoon then we let him feed himself and he will eat lovely for a while then start throwing it, thats when we take it off him.

With the kitten, he knows how he should treat her cause he is lovely with my mums cat and our old bengal who passed away he used to be able to do anything to and she would just take it, where this kitten isnt so accepting, he knows to be nice to her but just wont :(

Thank you again for your advice, i will take on everything i can from it :D

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