Kaykay, wow your little ones 2.2 already , it was only yesterday you got your amazing bfp!!
Your a normal mum, your lo is totally normal and like all of mine! Romans 22 mths and a right sod! If he's out of puschair he's run off , or if im holding him or not letting him out he's screaming and oh boy he's loud!
Remember, your not doing anything wrong, you have a bright, energetic, curious, interesting child who is chock full of charecter and full of life and want to learn and experiance things.
Those children that frankly just sit there in coffee shops have been used to just sitting therein cafes, resterants far far too often and i personally think are not larger than life and have less charector. Your child is inteligent, and determined, they will go far, It's harder, those mums don't really understand, but i know which child I'd rather have , ignore the looks, stares, keep going, they will get easier as they learn and you learn ways of coping, what makes them tick, distraction, all the tricks in the book. I choose a walk and talk catchup rather than a coffee out now as he's great when being active.