Terrible Pain when I turn over in Bed


Well-Known Member
Aug 30, 2006
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Has anyone else had this I am really struggling at night. I tend to sleep on my left side but after a while get very numb so have to switch sides the problem its I get a terrible pain between my legs (it feels like I have been riding a bike from John O Grotes to Lands End) and I really have to concentrate to turn Sunday night I actually had to get out of bed and then back in in the direction I wanted to face. I've had this pain since I was about 18 weeks pg but its gradually gotten worse. Also when I get out of bed for a wee the pain is terrible and I can usually hear my bones clicking the first few steps are painful to walk but then the pain goes away.

Does anyone have any tips. I mentioned it to my mw and the first time she just said it all part of being pg. When I went for my 24 week apt I saw a different mw and she just suggested putting a pillow between my legs when turning but that's actually worse. I don't think its SPD as my sister had this really badly and couldn't walk but I tend to be fine walking as long as I don't overdo it. Went around Ikea on Saturday and then Milton Keynes Shopping Centre and paid for it later I can tell you but generally I am ok walking. Its just turning in bed at night and its driving me insane cos I have to wake up to turn over. Please help sorry for the moan. :(
I get it too... is really painful isn't it.... not sure what to suggest other than physically getting up and getting back in bed which is what I have been doing too :hug:

oh the joys of being pregnant hey! :D
its not fair is it no-on tells you of the horrible side of being pregnant. Thank god our job is nearly done we only have a few weeks left before we forget all about it. :D
smurf said:
Has anyone else had this I am really struggling at night. I tend to sleep on my left side but after a while get very numb so have to switch sides the problem its I get a terrible pain between my legs (it feels like I have been riding a bike from John O Grotes to Lands End) and I really have to concentrate to turn Sunday night I actually had to get out of bed and then back in in the direction I wanted to face. I've had this pain since I was about 18 weeks pg but its gradually gotten worse. Also when I get out of bed for a wee the pain is terrible and I can usually hear my bones clicking the first few steps are painful to walk but then the pain goes away.

Does anyone have any tips. I mentioned it to my mw and the first time she just said it all part of being pg. When I went for my 24 week apt I saw a different mw and she just suggested putting a pillow between my legs when turning but that's actually worse. I don't think its SPD as my sister had this really badly and couldn't walk but I tend to be fine walking as long as I don't overdo it. Went around Ikea on Saturday and then Milton Keynes Shopping Centre and paid for it later I can tell you but generally I am ok walking. Its just turning in bed at night and its driving me insane cos I have to wake up to turn over. Please help sorry for the moan. :(
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
You are describing exactly what is happening to me apart from it's hurts when I'm walking too, not first off but after a couple of minutes. I told my midwife about it at my 24wk appointment but she looked so puzzled by it and told me it could be a pulled muscle ( i think not) so have paracetamol. I tried paracetamol once before bed but made no differance.
Will question her about it again on Thursday when I have my next appointment and tell you what she says.
:hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Great thanks Babyroo I have my mw apt on Thursday too so will ask her again about it. At my last apt I actually requested to be referred to a McInnerney(sp) physio as they specialise in pregnant women but mw wasn't hearing me cos I didn't have problems walking.

My sister suggested it after she went with her third pregnancy and it made a huge difference to her. She was basically in a wheelchair with her second pregnancy and advised not to have anymore babies but nature had a different idea and with her third pregnancy she went to a physio a few times and he made a world of difference she wasn't even on crutches.
I get this too.

Try keeping your legs together when turning. It seems to help me.
in my physio session the physio said to avoid these pains try to keep your legs together and both lined up with each other so your pelvis doesnt move out of shape. hope that helps :hug:
Very BIG hugs smurf, and everyone else who's experienced this :hug:
I have had it for about a month now, I believe it is the pelvis all loosening up for birth, the round ligaments are fully stretched, and general excess of weight, pressure and sensitivity in that whole region.
I think for me it worsens as I get less mobile, so overnight everything seems to tighten up, but through the day it's a lot less noticeable.
Keeping your knees together whilst getting in a nd out of bed will help, as well as moving as slowly as you can, though as for a cure, I think physio would be the most beneficial :) Hope it eases for you, just try and take it easy :hug:
Aww sorry hun!

It takes me about an hour to get out of bed in the morning as i am so sore and achey. Turning over is such an effort. I don't find it as painful as you seem to be but i know it is hard. I sleep with a pillow between my legs and one under my bump. But i expect everyone is different.

I dont think our matress is the most comfy either.

Sorry i can't help but wanted to offer :hug:

Aw thanks girlies I'll try keeping my knees together and see if that helps. I have a big long pillow DH got me from Mothercare and I kind of tuck some of it under my bump and straddle it with my knees eitherside some they're not always aligned so will try that too tonight.
sounds to me like you are suffering with SPD found some info on ivillage (see below) but best thing to do is get your midwife to refer you to a physio for further treatment - i know how painful this can be, i ended up in a brace and on crutches for the last 4 months of my pregnancy...it is not to be taken lightly! good news is, it will dissapear as soon as you give birth! :D

Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction (SPD)
by Christine Hill

What is the common condition that makes standing on one leg or climbing stairs unbearable for some pregnant women? Christine Hill examines SPD
What is Symphysis Pubis Dysfunction?
The symphysis pubis is the name given to where two bones meet at the front of the pelvis. The pelvic bone is roughly in the shape of a heart, and is actually formed by three bones, which are held together by very strong ligaments.

The bones meet to form three 'fixed' joints - at the front (the symphysis pubis) and at each side of the bottom of the spine (the sacro-iliac joints).

Normally, these joints are not designed to allow movement. However, when a woman becomes pregnant, a hormone called relaxin is produced which loosens all the pelvic ligaments in order to allow the pelvis slight movement at the time of birth.

For some reason, the ligaments occasionally loosen too much and too early before birth. This means they can't keep the pelvic joints stable so the pelvis moves, especially on weight bearing. All this is made worse by the increased weight of the growing baby and sometimes the symphysis pubis joint actually separates slightly. The result is mild to severe pain, usually in the pubic area, and is called SPD.

What are the symptoms?
The most common is pain and difficulty when walking. Some women describe the feeling of their pelvis coming apart. The pain is made worse when turning in bed or doing something that involves standing on one leg, such as climbing up stairs, getting dressed and getting in and out of a car.

The pain is generally felt in the pubis and/or the sacro-iliac joints, but can also be experienced in the groin, the inner side of the thighs, the hips and in one or both buttocks.
I have this too and its soooo painful!!!!
I usually end up sleeping in the spare bed nowadays (mattress much harder) or even on the floor. I also have two pillows under my 'top' leg as it feels much better when one is completely elevated.
Also a support belt helps during the day, and a panadol before bedtime. Oh joy!!!!
aww, sorry i dont hav any tips as i only get that pain ur describing a little and not all the time either. have these tho :hug: :hug:
i hope it eases for u soon.

I have this as well dont know what helps though sorry :hug:
I found turning over in bed very uncomfortable when I had SPD at it's worst.

If I were you I'd pursue with the midwife and see if you can get some physio or exercises etc. It will definitely help longer term if you can keep your knees together as much as possible.

I hope it eases off for you. :hug:

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