Temping, ovulation kits and Inofolic advice


Well-Known Member
Apr 11, 2017
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Hi ladies,

So I was diagnosed with polycystic ovaries earlier this year after my periods had become really iratic - they have ranged from anything between 40-72 days since coming off birth control in November 2015.

I recently started temping using the Natural Cycles app as I had heard it’s the only way to tell if you are ovulating (I don’t think I’ve been ovulating for a while now). I did some reading up on how I could start to regulate my cycles for the best chance of conceiving naturally and came across Inofolic which I have been taking for 5 days. It contains folic acid and myo inositol and is meant to improve ovulation and egg quality in women suffering from PCOS up to 70%.

I’m currently on cycle day 54 and yesterday I noticed - for the first time in as long as I can remember - CWCM. I woke up this morning feeling very ‘wet’ and sure enough more EW type CM. I decided to take my first ever ovulation test and I got a little over excited as I think it’s positive, but have just read online about how they are quite unreliable. My temps are all over the place (have attached a pic) but I had a noticeable dip this morning so not sure what this means or if it has anything to do with ovulation? I’ve attached a pic of the ovulation test too. I should also mention that I had some really really light spotting for 4 days from CD28 (literally only when I would wipe, not in pants etc) which disappeared but has come back again the past 3/4 days (again, only when I wipe) but I think this is quite normal of PCO.

Does anyone have any experience with Inofolic and/or ovulation test strips and temping? Is this a positive OPT? I’m quietly optimistic but also can’t believe that the Inofolic would be working magic after only 5 days...if (fingers crossed) everything went right this month and I did fall pregnant would the fact I ovulated so late in my cycle be cause for concern in terms of the babies health etc.? Sorry if my questions sound stupid but I’m quite new to all of this so would really love any help/advice from anyone with experience x
I would say if you are having ewcm and the opk is almost there (i reckon later or tom it might be positive) then to get down to business. Are you restricting what you drink and holding onto your pee for 3-4 hours before doing opk? Also not to do opk before at least 12 noon as it LH is not usually detected till midday onwards. Its defo worth dtd as it sounds like O is imminent and you want the little swimmers to be ready and waiting! Good luck!
Hi Melly,

I took this one this morning around 9am, will try again tonight. I've been doing some Googling (always dangerous) and have read that OPK's are often positive throughout the whole cycle for those suffering with PCOS due to increased LH, is this true? Again, sorry for all the silly questions but really trying to get my head around how this all works before I start getting excited!

It looks like you are heading for ovulation! The real test of temping is the temp rise for the luteal phase - that's what you wanna look out for. But that just tells you afterwards that you have ovulated. With opk strips the best results are between 10am and 5pm. It's really about a pattern where you get a clear LH surge. Hopefully over time you'll know what's happening. The EWCM is a good sign.
Took this one around 8pm, looks lighter than this morning? This mornings was with FMU though which I understand makes the reading inaccurate?
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If youve drank loads today then your urine could be dilute. I cant comment on pcos but its best to track your cycle over next couple of months to get a good idea of what to expect. You could start to temp as this does give you an idea of when you have ovulated if you think opks might not be very accurate. Id say if you have ewcm then go for it as its likely you are fertile x
Thanks ladies, fingers crossed. Keep you posted :) x
Took this one around 8pm, looks lighter than this morning? This mornings was with FMU though which I understand makes the reading inaccurate?

You need to do the tests between 10am and 5pm as I understand it for an accurate result.
Today's OPK taken at 12:30pm. Looks a lot lighter than yesterday although my temps haven't spiked they've just dropped considerably (chart attached). Does this mean I haven't ovulated? Day 55 of cycle :sad:
The massive dip could be an ovulation dip. Looks like you may have already had the spike in LH but you can ovulate up to 48 hrs after it so keep dtd just in case.
Inofolic is really great for PCOS so defo stick with it, but you cant really rely on ovulation strips unfortunately.

What were your temps like today?
Thanks PurdieCat, have you used Inofolic before? Hoping it will start having an effect soon! I'm already noticing that I feel a lot less tired than usual!

My temps are all over the place, I've attached my chart. I woke up on Tuesday in the middle of the night with the worst cramps and had to put myself in a hot bath/take the day off work the next day as I could hardly move. I feel like my body is trying to ovulate, it's just not quite getting there - I've been spotting now for 10 days straight!!! I had a similar episode in September where the pain was so bad I was actually taken into hospital - I had extensive scans and bloods taken but the doctors ruled out a burst cyst/ectopic pregnancy and diagnosed me with as appendicitis. I had a laparoscopy to have it removed. Goes without saying that it was discovered that my appendix was indeed totally healthy but they just wouldn't listen to me when I told them I could feel pain in my ovary/womb and NOT my side! Us women know our bodies and it's frustrating that the problem still remains.

I've booked in to see a gyno/fertility specialist end of Jan...2 years down the line I'm really beginning to feel like it's never going to happen for me :-( Hopefully some relaxing time away with the family at Christmas will take my mind off of it for a little bit.

P.S Massive CONGRATS on your pregnancy! xxx
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