Telling your OH


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2009
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Have any of your girls planned how you'll tell OH when you finally get your :bfp:?

I've been sort of fantasising about what I'll do.

I think once I've got an idea I'll keep it to myself for a little bit but I'd like to break the news to him as a birthday, anniversary or Christmas present. For birthdays and Christmas we always get each other three presents. Normally a little jokey present (like some socks), something a bit bigger like a CD or DVD and then a larger present (like a TV box set or something we've specially asked for).

I thought for birthday or Christmas I would get the main present and one smaller present and give him the smaller present first, then the main present and then have a great big box all wrapped up. Then inside that a smaller box, then a smaller box, then a smaller box, until he gets to the last one which has a CBD test in it to tell him I'm pregnant. ;)

This will be our first anniversary and we're planning to just give each other Christmas decorations (we got married on Christmas Eve) so I thought I'd put the :bfp: test in the box underneath the decoration so he'd get that and then find the test when he'd taken it out.

Thinking about that also takes some of the pressure off. It doesn't matter so much if we don't conceive this cycle. And if not December then perhaps in time for Valentine's Day next year. ;)
Aww that would be a lovely idea... I dont know how I would do it, I have been thinking about it recently and I thought that as my hubby is a decorater and is normally working quite locally I would just go and see him, give him a hug then slip the test result in his hand and tell him he is going to be a daddy, but I think I will give it some more thought... hhmmmm
Aw they both sound like very sweet ideas. I think I'd like to surprise him with the positive test but not sure how. I thought about putting it in a gift bag to give to him on the anniversary of when he proposed to me which is the 5th of November but obviously I'd be putting it against a deadline lol. I've thought about putting it somewhere he would definitely find it, like a drawer or something.

As I'm hard of hearing I thought about calling him and leaving a voicemail telling him but then decided I'd rather not tell him over the phone - it would be his first child and he's been waiting a long time for a baby! :)
I always thought that i'd take him for a meal and start eating normally as i currently have specific dietry requirements that i don't want to impose on my children and see if he clicked.

However, as time has gone on my husband is becoming increasingly aware of where i am in my cycle and he does enquire if i have tested or not so i don't think i'll be able to hide it anymore :roll:
Could you just pretend like you haven't tested etc and then suprise him?
I think i'm a bit too irrational at the moment to pretend anything haha :)

Plus he hears me taking a test out of my drawer :roll:

I'm not sure i could tell him i got negative if a got a positive either because he'd probably hear the thud as i hit the floor lol ;)
Lol! My husband doesn't ask about my cycles or anything, mainly as we're trying the relaxed approach. I'm dying to get to the end of the month - it's driving me nuts! :D
I love those ideas of surprising oh's! I'd love to do the same, but oh knows generally where about in my cycle i am, he normally says "its been about 3 weeks since your last period eh?" and he'll be right. but i dont tell him when i ov (dont want to add pressure) just keeping it relaxed as well :).

When i get a BFP i don't think i will be able to stay quiet for long! But i won't tell him over the phone, i'll wait to come home, or wait til he comes home and then i'll probably jump on him and say "GUESS WHAT! :D" with a massive smile, and he will probably guess right. I can't wait to see his face!

Just typing that has got me all excited. Af is due on wednesday and i think i might test on Monday!

Loads of babydust to us!! xxx
They all sound fab! do remember though that cbd tests result does not keep for a long time...can you imagine his face as he unwraps the pressie to a test with a blank screen on it lol.... perhaps a first response or similar would be better. I've still got mine 5 years later...
You know what, i'd probably stand there saying 'about bloomin time too'! and if I don't say it first then he defo will!!

What a romantic pair we are! lol

I love all of your ideas! :)

I've not allowed myself to think about this yet :blush:
Gosh you lot are good! I'd like only be able to wait a second to tell him, I'm terrible, I couldn't keep it for an hour let alone any longer.

I wish I could though, what a lovely idea!

Either way let's hope we can all tell them soon! xxx
I have always thought about buying one of the bibs that say 'I love my daddy' and leaving it in a gift bag on his pillow xx
lol clairebear i think that is so cute!!

i haven't thought about telling OH but i have thought that it would be lovely to tell our families on xmas day!! xx
After commenting on this thread this morning I actually had an idea fall into my lap! My cousin sends me clothes for my son that her son has grown out of and I put them in the loft until they fit, got a bag down today that she sent at Easter and in there is a t shirt that says I'm the big brother! So I have hid it under the bed and I will put it on jack and get him to give joe the :bfp: stick :yay:
I saw something similar on YouTube where they put a "i'm a big brother" t-shirt on their kid and put a coat on and then they went out and came back and got their family to take the coat off and then they had to click - it was so sweet :love:
I so wanted to be able to tell my husband on our wedding anniversary last month. But that's gone now. My new focus is telling my mum on her birthday at the beggining of November. She wants it even more than we do right now!

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