Best time to tell employer


Well-Known Member
Mar 7, 2011
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Hi All,

Am just over five weeks pregnant and although I don't want to tell my employer yet I'm wondering when the best time to is?

I work in a very male environment (steel industry) and am the only woman working with over 100 blokes. My boss is very much a mans man and I'm really nervous about telling him.

As I'm the Buyer, I also end up lugging around boxes of paper, protective clothing, microwaves etc. I know I can't refuse to lift anything heavier than a paperclip but worried about constant lifting of really heavy things (ps I'm 5ft and have the upper body strength of a 3 yr old...!)

Would love some advice......

The best time to tell your employer generally is after the first trimester.

However in your situation I'd consider telling them ASAP due to your line of work and the heavy lifting.

Your employer has a legal obligation to conduct a risk assessment on a pregnant woman and make reasonable adjustments in her day to day duties, ie cut out the heavy lifting. Once you have had your risk assessment you will likely have all of the lifting or manual handling cut out. Of course for your employer to be able to carry out a risk assessment they have to actually know you are pregnant. If you get injured at work now or do harm to the baby the employer cannot be held responsible since they did not know you were pregnant.

So I would suggest you pluck up the courage and tell them. If you cannot do it face to face maybe an email or a letter will suffice, or even over the phone.

Good Luck :) xxx
Hi, I work in a 'high risk' job too, with radiation so told my boss as soon as I found out (around 41/2 weeks) so I could get a risk assessment etc done, also means if you start feeling reallyt ropey they know why you might not be in etc,

Hope this helps
tell them immediately hunny. I work in catering and I told my colleagues at 5 weeks and Ive just told my HR dept and boss at 8 weeks because of the lifting, moving and hot conditions I work in. They did a full risk assessment straight away and after speaking to ACAS I also found out pregnant ladies are exempt from most work related rules for accidents, break times etc so its best to tell and have the best care just in case. x
I was thinking the same thing today! I'm a radiographer so need to tell my boss sooner rather than later and was thinking of doing it this week or next. I probably should have already done it! I think if your doing heavy lifting and things then its probably best to tell them asap. I hope all goes well when you do tell your boss x x x
I told work straight away I'm a sister on a busy ward so lots of manual work involved, also have SPD when pregnant so have to b risk assessed right away. welshy u shouldn't b lifting too much so i'd tell them now. hope it goes ok xx
:thanks: Thanks all for responding. Have told my employer (who I asked to keep the pregnancy a secret) but apparently all the guys have guessed anyway. The joys of having morning sickness in a portacabin with cardboard walls eh?! They've all been really supportive which is great and the carrying of heavy objects has now stopped!

I was thinking the same thing today! I'm a radiographer so need to tell my boss sooner rather than later and was thinking of doing it this week or next. I probably should have already done it! I think if your doing heavy lifting and things then its probably best to tell them asap. I hope all goes well when you do tell your boss x x x

I am a RAD too yey!!
I told my line manager two days ago. I have an office job, so no heavy lifting or anything, but wanted to make sure he knew what was going so I could have time off for MW appointments etc, or if I start feeling really bad with morning sickness. They also asked me to take on some additional responsibility from someone who is retiring at they end of the month, so I felt I had to let them know I'd only be able to do it till Christmas (all being well).

He's been brilliant. He has 2 kids of his own and told me that they had had 3-4 mc before conceiving their first. They realised that it was because his wife was doing too much heavy lifting. She's a university lecturer and was lugging exam papers and coursework around. As soon as she stopped that everything turned out OK. So he's really aware of anything like that and is insiting that if I have to take my laptop anywhere that I use a wheely case.

So you've definitely done the right thing telling you're boss. Sounds like you're surrounded by broody men anyway. I bet they'll all be really protective of you.

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