Telling people your pregnant.


Well-Known Member
Jun 17, 2006
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when is the right time to tell relatives that you are pregnant?

i know that im going to be excited and want to tell every one. But at the same time i would want to wait until i am about 3months as im scared of an early miscarriage (my mum and nanan both had one). My DH's parents are coming over at the weekend and i should know either way by then, I keep thinking about wether or not we should tell them then (if i am) or just wait?!? :?

When did you tell people and who did you tell first?
i was going to wait untill i was 12 weeks but cause me and my dad are really close i told him a week after i found out (i didnt believe it at first lol)

as long as you feel ready to tell them then its all up to you hun :hug:
I tihnk it's personal choice and what feels right to be honest. I told the in-laws on the day we found out, as i did with my brother and best friend. All other family and friends i waited until the 3 months mark.
I hate telling my family that i'm pregnant because they act like its terrible news.
Even though i'm 28 and have been married for years my mum and grandparents especially act like the world is ending.
Hypocrites because they all have had 2 children (this is my second) and my mum had 3.
We both work (me part time) so I don't see what the problem is.
If they react like they did the first time I'm just going to walk and leave them to it. :x
Sorry Rant over :oops: as you can tell telling my family isn't something i'm looking forward too.
I told my parent's, in-laws and close friends straight away, because I knew if we lost the baby they would support us. I have high risk of loss and had alot of bleding in the first trimester with Damien, but found the support they gave me was fantastic, and I think I'll tell them again next too.
I told family and friends the day we found out!! And everyone at work about a week later!

I can't keep a secret, and to be honest, if I had miscarried, I would have wanted people to know so they could be supportive. I know it's completely personal choice, but I really don't understand the waiting until you are 12 week thing. :?
i dont think i could not tell people. i would be too happy and people would think it was weird. :lol:

I just dont want to be paranoid about it if i had a miscarriage, i know every one bitches about me at work would just upset me more... :wall:
I told my mum as soon as I found out with Ella (and the inlaws and a couple of family members) everyone else we told after my 12 week scan.

This time we've told a lot more people as I feel more confident after my scan last week :)
i told everyone right away on my 3, but after my misscarriage i wont be telling ANYONE till after my first scan.

i told my best friend straight away....... we told the parents around 14 weeks!! :rotfl: i kept putting it off!! next time im preg i will do the same, will wait until ive had the 12 week scan then tell people!

with my other 3 children my mum was always the first to know as we are really close, i told her the day i done the test, but this time i scared to tell her and how she will react, as vicki said its a personal decision so whenever you think is the best time hun, gd luck

I told pretty much everyone as soon as I found out. This time round I'll wait a while though (although I'll tell my mam straight away).
my family all found out on the day i did but then again i was 21 weeks gone lol
I told my parents around 2 months and OH told his the sametime.
We didnt tell friends etc until after 3 months and after the scan.

Think its more of a personal thing hun, you do what you feel is best and what you want to do. Dont let anyone tell you its bad luck etc to tell people straight away if that what you feel you want to do. :D
my friend didnt tell anyone untill she was 7 n a half months :shock: know body knew
we told everyone virtually the day we did the test.... started off by saying that we weren't going to tell anyone under after 12 weeks then as the evening wore on, we phoned the parents, relatives and friends and next day both OH and I told friends at work......... so much for keeping it quiet..

Must say it has been a great help at work, the other girls have really looked after me and made sure that I didn't lift or carry anything heavy and that I got time to sit down during the day (usually on my feet for about 9 hours) ......... they have been so supportive and glad that they all have known about it from the beginning
My mum knew pretty much when I did because she was in the house when I tested. She knew we were trying anyway so it wasn't a massive shock for her. My in laws and the rest of my family found out a bit later after I had been to the doctor to confirm it all and get a midwife date. I think I was about 8 weeks by then.

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