Telling Hubby


Well-Known Member
Mar 18, 2010
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How do you all plan to tell your OH's that your pregnant. I think I would put a baggy top on and tie a ribbon and a bow round my tummy and just lift my top up and tell him I've got him a prezzie. I'm due to test on our anni, what a lovely prezzie that would be for him hee hee. No hope though really this month. But it's nice to imagine telling him. What are your ideas girls?
Ohh Toni that is so cute I love that idea.. knowing me I think I will either be, so hysterically excited and end up babbling something that sounds like english before stuffing the peed on stick in his face...... or.... I will be so shocked I will walk to him like a complete zombie before shoving the peed on stick at him..... either way he will have a peed soaked stick in his face lol :)
Lol I've chucked the stick in his face through excitement lol!!!!! I love your idea Toni!!! Z x
Lovely Idea Toni!

My OH is usually asleep when I test first thing in the morning so when I finally get my BFP I think i'll wake him up and say 'Morning Daddy'!! :)

Can't wait til that day comes! :)

Haha vicky n smess. Poor blokes. But I'm sure they don't mind, what's a bit of pee between a couple haha. I know claire. The day can not come quick enough!
I wish I could have done something special but my OH knew I was pregnant lol he was waiting on me coming out of the bathroom.. And I just held it up with my mouth open :lol: Then we got super excited and hugged and kissed and talked about everything.. Next time I would love to do something nice for him xx
I think my DH will realise when he hears a crash as I faint in astonishment and he finds a +ve test lying next to me on the floor!! :)
I phoned my OH and told him whilst he was at work. Apparently he went as white as a sheet and the person he was on with asked what was wrong and he said "i'm going to be a daddy....". She then ran around the room squeeling!

I'll probably just tell him outright!! Then shove the test under his nose!!hahah!!

Its my parents that I want to think up something exciting for!!!
I calmed myself down and then went and sat down with hubby while he was on the computer and said Baby meet other baby lol He ha guessed already but it was cute :)
I just peed in a glass and did the test with him together :)
Both my positives where a shock the first with the timing his dad had just died and so soon after i had come off the pill - and this time with being so short a time since our loss - so very unoriginally i showed him the test .x
I like the nice ideas but think I'll probably end up in the category of shoving the stick at him! On the other hand would be nice to find out together so maybe I'll do the test and give it to him for him to check (but I'll have to make sure he reads the instructions and understands first!) x
I have an unusual diet which is really more like bad habit but it's hard to break after 13 years.

I've mentioned to my husband that i'm thinking of stopping my diet, just to try and bring some normally and unity to mealtimes - we have separate meals at the moment.

If i find out i'm pregnant i'm going to make him suggest we go out for a meal and then i'm going to go to the counter to pay for it myself and secretly order a normal meal and see if he clicks haha :D
Ooooo i wanna bake a cake and ice "We're pregnant" on it....but ill prop shove a stick in his face ha ha x
Ooooo i wanna bake a cake and ice "We're pregnant" on it....but ill prop shove a stick in his face ha ha x

Nice idea - but couldn't ever keep it to myself for long enough to bake a cake! Definitely gonna be stick in the face! x :oooo:
Im gonna put the test in a baby bottle then wrap it and give it to him...I never do the tests with him anyway
Aw there all such good ideas, i would love to put a bow around my belly and do that but.. i have to say i think id be a peed on stick in face lol!x
i would need to tell him as he keeps telling me im expecting and im just like nope your wrong...

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