Tell me Im being bad.

jazzmum2be said:
And I shouldnt spend that amount of money on one t shirt even though its LUSH! :lol:
Sooo tempted! ... 0292445121

I like it and i'd buy it, i'd probably go to a shop though and not get it from Ebay! :D Then you can see if it's good quality material etc. You shouldn't have to justify what you spend to anyone on here, i've seen plenty of people posting about their purchases and don't get questioned as to how they can afford it.
widowwadman said:
Mel&Bean said:
Jazz - fwiw, I can understand ReggiesMummy. Your regular sartorial enquiries read a bit boastful at times.

How? i didnt mean them to be =/
& also id rather have a dad whos lovely as well.
But hes not :lol:
If he wants to 'make up' for it by giving me money, then why not.
Sweetcheeks24 said:
jazzmum2be said:
And I shouldnt spend that amount of money on one t shirt even though its LUSH! :lol:
Sooo tempted! ... 0292445121

I like it and i'd buy it, i'd probably go to a shop though and not get it from Ebay! :D Then you can see if it's good quality material etc. You shouldn't have to justify what you spend to anyone on here, i've seen plenty of people posting about their purchases and don't get questioned as to how they can afford it.

I agree.
Iv seen some people post pics of new clothes they bought. Its called being a girl, all girls love shopping :lol:
Its probobly because Im only 16 and people think at 16 your skint and have no money for luxerys and if you do have money they question how you get it, but if your 35 and have it its fine :think:
jazzmum2be said:
Sweetcheeks24 said:
jazzmum2be said:
And I shouldnt spend that amount of money on one t shirt even though its LUSH! :lol:
Sooo tempted! ... 0292445121

I like it and i'd buy it, i'd probably go to a shop though and not get it from Ebay! :D Then you can see if it's good quality material etc. You shouldn't have to justify what you spend to anyone on here, i've seen plenty of people posting about their purchases and don't get questioned as to how they can afford it.

I agree.
Iv seen some people post pics of new clothes they bought. Its called being a girl, all girls love shopping :lol:
Its probobly because Im only 16 and people think at 16 your skint and have no money for luxerys.
most are unless they work full time i know i have one
jazzmum2be said:
I agree.
Iv seen some people post pics of new clothes they bought. Its called being a girl, all girls love shopping :lol:
Its probobly because Im only 16 and people think at 16 your skint and have no money for luxerys.

It's more that you were also posting about wanting council housing before. Imho the two don't look good together.
widowwadman said:
jazzmum2be said:
I agree.
Iv seen some people post pics of new clothes they bought. Its called being a girl, all girls love shopping :lol:
Its probobly because Im only 16 and people think at 16 your skint and have no money for luxerys.

It's more that you were also posting about wanting council housing before. Imho the two don't look good together.

Yeah and of course if my dad gave me a regualr income of £1500 pounds then id obviously put it towardsa flat.
But it isnt, it was a one of thing for christmas.
You dont no my dad, even if he did give me it regulary i wouldnt trust him to keep supplying it to me.
I could use that money to rent a flat and then knowing my dad hed stop giving me the money and id have no where to live again.
Sorry Jazz Im not catagorising that cos you are 16 you shouldnt be able to spend money on things, I had a job and was buying myself things at that age too- its just that I remember posting to offer you advise on the fact you were soon to be living in a homeless squat as your mum and dad were gonna see you on the streets not so long ago, so it just seemed odd you've since been going on spending spree's! But if your dads started giving yu money now that explains it. You are lucky, he is very generous! :D
Wait, you're 16 and you're pregnant and you've got a little bit of money burning a hole in your pocket? Buy the bloody top love if it's what you really want. The time will come soon enough when you won't be able to splurge. A £25 top is nothing in the grand scheme of things.

I'm 36 neither me or the OH are working and I'll freely admit if someone dropped £1500 in our pockets at Christmas we would have blown it on a new telly.;)

:hug: :hug:
Id personally be able to buy new jeans and 2 new tops for that!

i wouldnt pay that for a plain white top - i would much rather get a few next bits or some lovely clothes for my kids.
I didnt want it to come across as bostful i was just honestly wanting peoples opinions on a tshirt.
And if I got a regualr income ofc id be spending it on housing but it was a one of thing for christmas :)
Jazz seriously go to primark girl - you dont know how big your bumps going to become, you could get a few bits from primark for that amount babes :hug:
Jazz i think you get what you see as arsey comments because some of your posts have been a bit contradictory i.e with the posts about being made homeless and worrying for your future then the next asking which top of the range xxx should i buy.

Don't apologise for spending the money if you have it, just be mindful when you post the 'im in a really bad position' posts that alot of people will be genuinely worrying about you, then suddenly reading you have been given a shed loads of money can put peoples backs up because the situation isn't as bad as it sounded and may feel mislead, im not saying your situation is good but if you have been given £1500 then its definitely not that bad, that is ALOT of money.

As you say that money isn't reglar income so cant rely on it for a house, so IMO even MORE reason to spend carefully, buy cheaply and keep any spare to one side, save it for when times get tough if you are truely uncertain of your's and babies future.

On the actual subject of the top, buy it if you want it and it is important to you! I wouldn't as it's not a maternity top and soon enough you wont fit in it anyway!!
my situation is as bad as it seems.
Ok my dads given quite a bit of money but that doesnt make my situtation any better.
In that case defo dont buy the top, you have bigger problems than what clothes to buy, save the money!

Im not saying i dont believe you, just that it doesnt sound right to be looking at expensive things in your situation.
Hmmm maybe.
But I dont see why i cant treat myself once in a whilre.
Its not like iv spent all of it on me.
Iv spend 90% of the money on my baby.
Just because we have kids it doesnt mean eevry peny we get has to go on them, I dont want my baby being brought up to be spoilt.
jazzmum2be said:
Just because we have kids it doesnt mean eevry peny we get has to go on them, I dont want my baby being brought up to be spoilt.

Wait until you have the baby - that'll soon change ;)
geez why is everyone been so harsh to jazz? i have kept out of most arguements on here but this is silly nit picking! tit for tat! £25 isn't too bad for a treat for herself. xxx :hug:
Lol I no it will probs change.
I no ill want to spoil him, and yeah ok i proboly will but Ill make sure he apreciates it.
You get some kids that just want want want and expect there parents to buy it for them :shakehead:

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