
Tiny Sue

Well-Known Member
May 26, 2005
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Can Naomi really be teething at 3 months? She's got all the symptoms - red cheek on one side, biting down on things, drooling a lot and generally being as cranky as a bag of weasels.

I gave her one dose of calpol this morning and she got all quiet and sleepy and dreamy, which kinda freaked me out, I don't want to dope her up unless it's necessary.

Can anyone recommend a less soporific method of relief?

Teething beads? Something for her to chew on? Failing that let her chew on your knuckle, works a treat with Damien when he has a teething couple of days.

Babies can teeth at anytime, it is just more common for them to 'cut teeth' nearer the 9month mark. Damien has days where he is teething, they obviously aren't cutting yet, but their teeth have to push up from somewhere. He dribbles alot, is a bit grouchy and wants to eat everything. I give him calpol is absolutely necessary and when he needs a sleep to relax the pain off, but otherwise teething gel can help or teething powders. I put a bit on my finger and rub it on his gums then give him his dummy to chomp on.

HTH! xx
You can get homeopathic teething granules. They're called "Teetha"
Also keep a teething ring in the fridge. Brody loves his teething beads, there's a thread on them in General I think.
I would try rubbing a bit of anbesol on her gums. It's a liquid, so it doesn't just slide off like the gels you can get!! It's a fast way to basically anaesthetise the gum and give the poor mite a bit of relief. It's always worked a treat for my littl'un (but try not to get it on her tongue or else that'll go numb to!! :lol: )

Kiaras been teething like mad too, been some sleepless nights for me for some reason it always acts up in the evening?
havent given her anything for it just my fingers to chomp on and her soother.
Hope shes not in too much pain.
i'll join this post instead of making a new one!

ruben has been really really irritable today, for the first time refusing to sleep at his lunchtime nap and crying alot. i thought it was wind first, but every time i feed him he brings up a biiiiiig burp when i wind him. also if he has wind he calms down after some gripe water which he's not doing today. he's never behaved quite like this, and as he's also drooling a bit i'm left thinking "surely he can't be teething at only 2 months?!"

do you think he could be teething a little? can't see anything on his gums, but i suppose as was said earlier in the thread the teeth may be pushing upwards below the surface?

do you think it's worth trying to give him some calpol to see if it helps? if i had bonjela or similar in the house i'd try that but i wasn't expecting him to be teething for a long time yet so i haven't got any!
What do you do with them?

they are wee sachets of powder that you put on the baby's tongue, as they're herbal you can't overdose on them.


I asked my HV about this and she said that Ella isnt actually teething as this is when the teeth are coming through but as youve said its the teeth deep down pushing upwards causing the gums to hurt. She recomended teething granules she said they are really good and she also said dont use calpol save it for when she really is teething when Ill really need it!!!! But I took no notice and used in anyway becuase she really wasnt happy the other day and the calpol settles her striaght away

Do you think it is bad to rely on calpol too much? I only use it when she has been crying for a long time and is obviously in pain.
I think the reason HV's say this is because there are a few people who use calpol when their baby isn't sleeping too well, and at the end of the day it is a medicine and babies livers are very small. But if you use it as you are meant to (like you are) then I can't see any problem, its not nice to see your baby all bothered because they are in discomfort.
If Damien is very unsettled and I can't find the problem I will sometimes give him calpol to settle him, but not to make him sleep on purpose. (Not explaining very well here). If I really can't find something wrong with him and he is so unsettled for a long time I will give it to him incase he has tummy ache or something. Have used it once or twice for teething coz he was very unsettled.
How HV can say it isn't teething makes me laugh, didn't know a 3 month old who could talk and say it wasn't their gums which hurt! :lol:
lol I know! They arent there when your baby is crying in pain so how can they know!

She was actually really nice though unlike some others
MOst hv and midwifes say things and haven't got Children of their own so they have learnt through book work so how are they suppose to know the best form of learning the experience.
I can see where you come from but I personally don't think actual;ly having children needs to be a pre-requisite to be a MW or HV. Just for them to know their own limitations and know when to refer to specialists. I am a probation officer and I advise offenders how to stop re-offedning but I have never been an offender myself.
This is true. As regards to midwives, I was due to start my training before I fell pregnant, but have left it till Damo and subsequent children go to school. I think having gone through childbirth myself I will be a better midwife for it, but my midwife when I gave birth to Damien was fantastic and she didn't have kids.
I got two teethers in the local nursery store and put them in the fridge but Naomi can't hold things in her mouth yet, she even has trouble with the soother. So I guess it will be picking her up and rocking her when she's really bad and otherwise letting her try her fists till she can pick stuff up.

OR I might pack up and go on a seven year sabbatical to Yemen. :dance:


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