

Active Member
Nov 13, 2017
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Hi Everyone, just looking for a bit of advice as a first time mum trying to avoid Google...
My daughter is 5 months old, she's not been herself now for 2 weeks or so, she's had a cold and rosy red cheeks, i'm guessing that she's after some teeth now.
I just wondered what was the best thing to help keep her settled.
Someone at a playgroup that we go to recommended an Amber anklet.
I just wondered if anyone had any experience of using these before and if so, did it help any? If not, what other things like teething gels are worth a try?
I've tried one gel so far and that seems to settle her for about 10 minutes. I think that she just likes the taste. Haha.
Hello! I would say to follow your instincts and avoid drugs if possible. We used a muslin cloth for him to suck and bite on, the Gummee glove and also an Amber bracelet.
Stick with it. Time will fly. My son is 3 already!
Crazy xx
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Teething ring in the fridge, let her knaw on a piece of cucumber (she’ll be over 6 months now right?)
Amber didn’t work for us but it does for many.
We ended up our go to was Ashton and parsons powders. Not cheap but they were our saviour.
DS is only 12month but he has 6 teeth now and I just give him fresh veg to chew on and he loves it.
Definitely avoid drugs whenever possible, they tend to do far more damage than good and as above it soon passes :)
We always though our daughter was teething when she had horrible crying sessions, sleeping an hour at a time, until she started getting fevers. We tried calpol to soothe her which did work but then the fever would rise again and she would cry endlessly.
People told us to keep hanging on, that it would pass, that once the teeth break through it would stop, but she wouldn't. Eventually, I felt so bad for letting her suffer so much, I went to the doctor. She had a bad ear infection and was suffering immensely. After some antibiotics it cleared up until it came back 4 more times. Eventually we had tubes implanted in her ears and she has been a happy child ever since. No ear infections, barely sick anymore, and the teething never bothered her in any case.
If you're ever in doubt, go to the doctor, there might be more going on than you think. It never hurts to go one time too many, than one time too late.x

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