Teething Necklaces

I faithfully keep putting the necklace on her but tbh I'm not convinced it makes any difference. For her first two teeth I didn't have it and for the top two I did but she had the same symptoms each time:

very sensitive to pain and noise
nervous and agitated
awake up to 14 times a night crying
high temperature
sweating constantly
swollen gums
loss of appetite
stomach ache
horrendous nappies
cold symptoms
hitting/rubbing her face and mouth
grinding gums and teeth

But I keep it on hoping!
I Have 2 amber teething necklaces and one bracelet from Paradysso (Fizzymelon) and they have made a lot of difference in our house, especially when the two monkeys decide to teeth at once. Isla wears her round her neck as she is old enough to be safe at night. Morgan wears his round his wrist 3 times. He doesnt even notice that its there i dont think. The kids are much calmer when they wear them and when (to start with) we only had one whichever child was wearing it was good and the other was whining. I am a complete sceptic that a few pieces of amber take away the pain of teeth coming through but i have to say they are prooving me wrong completely. :cheer:
valentine said:
I'm a bad Mummy, DD's stays round her neck 24/7.

Valentine Xxx

Snap! Even though my GP said "I'm not happy with that, she might twist it and choke herself"

If it's off, even for a few hours, we have a hellish night. So it's on all the time! Wearing it in the bath helps clean it.

Mhairi's got 7 teeth now, and we only used calpol for the first one (and she didn't have the necklace for that one!)
keli said:
Just bought mine from fizzy melon cos of the discount code :lol:
... Can you share?.. Want to buy a BF necklace and any discount would be great :) xx

In the members shops thread is says
Forum members get a 10% discount!!! Just enter the code pregnancyforum
Iv just ordered one, god I hope it helps.

Does your LO's wear theirs at night!??? I wudnt have thought it very safe...
HertsMummy said:
Iv just ordered one, god I hope it helps.

Does your LO's wear theirs at night!??? I wudnt have thought it very safe...

Louis is not wearing his at night. But so far he hasn't been bothered by his teeth to the point of waking up in the night. I think that if he was starting to wake up I would wrap the necklace round his ankle...
Hey Ive just noticed some one say they let their LO's bath in their necklace. Just wanted to say, if you do this alot, the moisture from the water could weaken the cord a bit. Maybe best to remove before bathing to be safer.

If any one does have any questions feel free to PM me. We now hold a certificate from the Amber Association to say our amber is genuine Baltic amber :cheer:
paradysso said:
We now hold a certificate from the Amber Association to say our amber is genuine Baltic amber :cheer:

Sorry I don't know what that means....are there different kinds of Amber?
yeah there are different types.... I will try and explain lol

They all start life as resin but over the years turn into copal and then after more time eventually turn into Amber (im talking millions of years).

Some forms of amber dont contain succinite so cant carry the name "Baltic Amber". Succinite is succinic acid which is what helps with the pain. ( i wont go into the whole science of this as its complicated lol to do with positive ions and fields and amino acids found in the body)

There are some tests to see if your amber is real or plastic, one is the weight as real amber is very light, the other is the warmth, is they were plastic beads they would feel cold against the skin. and finally if you were to hold a bead in some fire, you would smell pine, but would obviously melt if they were plastic lol not suggesting you do this incase you burn the cord :rotfl:

Hope that helps and I havent waffled too much.
Its so cool his necklace is gonna be millions of years old! I want one with a prehistoric bug in it LOL
So is it Baltic cos it comes from the baltic region? Do you get them from abroad?

Sorry all the questions, I've been googling too, I'm right nosey.
hehehe google is every ones best friend.

Yes they do come from the baltic region. it is mainly sourced from Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and a small area in denmark. Mine all comes from Lithuania.

They buy the amber is large sacks of just raw amber, which is all rough looking like stones and opaque in colour. they are then cut into small pieces and polished up to make shiney little beads, you can buy raw amber necklaces but they still have the rough surface so not so smooth against the skin. Yhey are then hand made by a small group of people.
one offs will be fine, im just saying if you were to bath your LO's in it every day it will weaken the cord, so be extra cautious.

I often forget and dunk Hatty in the water before realising shes still got her necklace on. I just put it in the airing cupbaord so it thoroughly dries out.
My baby has quite a short on with flatish beads she wears it 24/7 its not long enough for her to get in her mouth. It is supposed to be worn next to the skin to reach body temp to allow it to relese the analgesic quality
must find green beans :(
He's not a happy bunny teeth wise atm - bad bad mummy!
ok... very weird. Literally straight after I posted that message I went to get some bio oil out of my old make up bag (which I haven't been in for a month or so) and something made me look in the bottom under the hair bobbles etc and there was Green Bean's necklace :o

So cool!

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